Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi

Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi
Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi was born in December 1965. He comes from a family of great scholars. His father Mohy-ud-Din Lakhvi was a respected scholar who was elected in the first constituent assembly of Pakistan. His uncle and father in Law Shaykh Mu’eenudin Lakhvi was also a respected scholar and among heads of the Ahl e Hadith Jama’at. Shaykh Mu’eenudin Lakhvi was elected three times in the national assembly and contributed to the introduction of the laws of testimony and blood money to be according to Islamic law during the presidency of General Zia Al-Haqq.
Shaykh Hammad Lakhvi’s grand father Shaykh Muhammad Ali Lakhvi was a great scholar of Hadith who taught Hadith in Masjid Nabawi for a long period of time. Shaykh Muhammad Ali Lakhvi’s father Shaykh Muhiudin AbdurRahman Lakhvi was a respected scholar and a great worshiper. Shaykh Muhiduin AbdurRahman Lakhvi’s father was the famous scholar of Hadith and exegete Hafiz Muhammad ibn Barakallah Lakhvi, a famous student of Mian Nazeer Husayn Dehlwi.
His studies
Shaykh Hammad Lakhvi obtained his MA in Islamic studies in 1988 from the University of the Punjab Lahore with first position (Gold Medallist). He also obtained first position in his MA Arabic in 1990 also from University of Punjab.
He did his PhD in 2001 from the University of Punjab and did his Post Doctorate from the University of Glasgow UK in 2007.
In 2008, he also did LLB in Law from the University of Punjab Lahore.
Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi studied the books of Hadith from the Madrasah of his family Jamia Muhammadia Okara and obtained Ijaza in Hadith.
His teaching:
From 1990 to October 1996, Shaykh Hammad Lakhvi was lecturer in the Islamic Studies Government College Okara (Post graduate), Pakistan. He taught postgraduate, graduate and undergraduate classes.
From October 1996 to February 2005, Shaykh Hammad Lakhvi was Lecturer in the Department of Islamic Studies in the University of the Punjab Lahore. He taught in the Research Supervision to students of PhD, M Phil and MA.
From November 2006 to October 2007, he worked on his Post-Doctoral Research project and lectured as well as Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Centre for Study of Islam, Theology and Religious Studies, University of Glasgow, UK.
From 2005 to March 2010, Shaykh Hammad Lakhvi was Assistant Professor in the Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab Lahore. He taught in the research Supervision of PhD, M Phil and MA level students.
From March 2010 to August 2014, Shaykh Hammad Lakhvi was Associate Professor in the Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab Lahore. He taught in the research Supervision of PhD, M Phil and MA level students.
Since August 2014, Shaykh Hammad Lakhvi is Professor in the Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab Lahore.
In February 2019, Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi was distinguished with the position of Dean of the faculty of Islamic Studies in the University of Punjab Lahore.
Subjects taught
Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi taught the following subjects since 1990:
PhD / M.Phil. level:
• Islamic Thought (Critical Study of Selected English Text)
• Studies in Modern Western Literature about Islam
• Research Methodology (Islamic Research Methodology, Synopsis & Bibliography)
Masters’ degree level:
• Tafseer ul Quran
• Muslim History
• Islam and Philosophy (Greek Philosophy and Muslim Thought)
• Hadith and Uloom ul Hadith
• Arabic language
Bachelors’ degree level:
• Qur’an, (Translation & Interpretation)
• Hadith, (Selected Text)
• Fiqh (Selected Text)
• Early Muslim History
Academic Positions held by Shaykh Hammad Lakhvi:
• Dean, Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab Lahore. Pakistan
• Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab Lahore. Pakistan
• Editor, “Al-Qalam” (HEC Recognized research journal of Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab Lahore. (2008-2019)
• Controller Examinations Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore
• Member Board of studies in Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab
• Member Board of Faculty, Faculty of Islamic and Oriental learning, University of the Punjab (1999 – 2005)
• Member Doctoral Program Committee, Department of Islamic studies, University of the Punjab
• Member Board of faculty, Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab Lahore.
• Member Academic Staff Association, University of the Punjab Lahore.
• Member Ittehad bain ul Muslimeen committee Government of the Punjab (2009-To date)
• Member Punjab Quran Board, Government of the Punjab (2011 To date)
• Subject Expert of Islamic Studies Federal Public Service Commission, Govt. of Pakistan, Lahore Campus.(2005, 2008, 2009 To date)
• Subject Expert of Islamic Studies Punjab Public Service Commission, Govt. of Punjab. (2010 To date)
• Subject Expert of Islamic Studies, Virtual University Pakistan (2004)
• Member Al-Qalam Educational and Welfare Society (NGO), Lahore
• Religious Expert, Radio Pakistan Lahore (2003-2006)
• Religious Expert, Radio Ramadan Glasgow UK (2006-2007)
• Religious Expert PTV, ATV, LAHORE News, PAIGHAM TV, GEO News, DUNYA News TV channel, WAQT TV (Pakistan), “S”MTN TV (London, 2007).
- Paper presented in International Ulema Conference Islamabad on “Population and Development” Organized by Ministry of Population Welfare, Government of Pakistan, 4-6 May 2005.
- Paper presented in “International Conference on the Qur’an and Sunnah: Methodologies of Interpretations” IIU Kuala Lumpur (MALAYSIA) on the topic: “Methodology of Tafseer-e-Muhammadi and Contemporary Trends of Quranic Interpretations” (17-18 July 2006)
- Paper accepted in “A Global Congress on World’s Religions after September 11” on the topic “Concept of Peace and Security in Islam” (11-15 September 2006) Montreal, CANADA.
- Paper accepted in International Conference on the life and the conduct of the Great Prophet (P.B.U.H) within the framework of “International Multi-Conference on the Role of Isfahan in the development of Islamic science, culture, and civilization” 13-15 December 2006. Isfahan, Iran.
- Paper presented in “Moving Forward Postgraduate Conference 2007” on the topic “Faith in Predestination and its Philosophy-An Islamic perspective”. 13-14 June 2007, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
- Paper accepted in “Middle East and Central Asia Conference 2007” on the Topic “Scope of religious freedom in Islamic realm”. 6-8 September 2007, University of Utah, USA.
- Participated in “International Conference on Islamic Jerusalem 2007” organised by Al-Maktoum Research Centre Dundee, Scotland, UK. 31 May 2007.
- Paper presented in “International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences” on the topic “Scope of Religious Freewill in Islamic Realm”. 16-18 June 2008, University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.
- Paper accepted in international conference at the University of Central Florida USA on the topic “Gender Discrimination and ‘Women Protection Bill 2006’.” 3-5 April 2009, Organised by South Asian Studies Association at University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA.
- Paper presented in international conference on South Asia and the West: Entwined, Entangled and Engaged on the topic “Western Feminist Movement and Women Protection Bill 2006 of Pakistan”. 10-11 April 2010, Organised by South Asian Studies Association at University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA, USA.
- Paper accepted in International Conference on Population and Development (WASET 2010 Conference) on the topic “Islam and Fertility Regulations” June 28-30, 2010. Organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Paris, France.
- Paper presented in International Seerah Conference on the Topic “Basic human rights in the light of seerah of the Holy Prophet (SAW)”, held on 05-07 December 2010 in The Islamia University, Bahawalpur.
- Paper accepted in International conference on spirituality and Religion in Society on the topic “Faith in Predestination and its Philosophy- An Islamic Perspective” February 13-15, 2011, Common Ground Publishing University of Illinois Research Park, in University Centre Chicago. USA.
- Paper accepted in International Conference on Social science and Humanity (ICSSH-2011) on the topic “Islam and Fertility Regulations” February 26-28, 2011, Organized by International Economics Development and Research Centre (IEDRC), in Singapore.
- Paper accepted in 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences – CHHSS 2011. October 21-23, 2011, Organized by Historical and Social Sciences – CHHSS 2011, Cairo, Egypt.
- Paper accepted in Second International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society. February 20-22, 2012, Organized by Religion and Spiritually in Society Robson, Square, University of British Columbia, and Vancouver, Canada.
- Paper presented in International Seerah Conference held on 31st October, 2017 on the topic “Uswa e Hasna Owr Samaji Adal”.
His books:
a) “Hurriyat-e-Fard ka Islami Tasawwar” (Concept of liberty in Islam) PhD Thesis
b) “Rabita Aalam-e-Islami ki Deeni Khidmat” (Religious services of Muslim World League) Thesis for M.A. Islamic Studies.
c) “Aabadi aur Taraqqi” A booklet published by Darssalam International in 2008, introduced by Shaykh Muhammad Yahya Jalalpuri.
List of (36) Published Research Articles:
Sr. No Research paper Name of journal HEC category Year of publication:
1 Mutalya Seerat Ka Maadi Manhaj – Tajzyati Mutalya “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR Dec 2017
3 Tassawar-e-Jalal: Iqbal aur Romanvi Mufakkireen kay Afkar ka Taqabli Mutalya “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR Dec 2016
4 The Challenge for Muslim Intellectuals: Unravelling the postmodernist enigma. “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR June 2016
5 The Authenticity of women’s Witness in Islam: A Study in the Light of Al-Qur’an “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR Dec 2015
6 Philosophy of Death in the Western Philosophical and Islamic Traditions: A Case Study of Heidegger Peshawar Islamicus June 2015 Vol:6 Issue:1
7 Early Patterns of Change in Muslim Societies A Review “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR June 2015
8 A Glimpse in the History of Nationalism in Muslim World “Al-Adhwa” P.U.LHR December 2014
9 Pakistan mein aurton ka haq e virasat se mehroomi ka masla asri aur shar’i hawale s ak tehqiqi jaiza Majallah-e-Tahqiq, Oriental College, Punjab University, Lahore 2011 (Vol:31 Serial No: 78)
10 Tehdid e Milkiyyat aur Gardash e Daulat ka Islami Tasawwur “Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research” B.Z.University, Multan. June 2011
11 Faith in Predestination and its Philosophy-An Islamic Perspective “Al-Adhwa” P.U.LHR June 2011
12 A Critical Study of “Women Protection Bill 2006”- in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah “Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research” B.Z. University, Multan. Dec. 2010
13 Historical Foundations of Western Thought “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR Dec. 2010
14 Bartanvi Ehd ke Muslim Muaashrey per Asrat “Al-Adhwa” P.U.LHR June 2010
15 Bainul Mazahib Hum Ahangi aur Rawadari ke Bunyadi Usool- Quran o Sunnat ki Roshni mein “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR June 2010
16 Western Feminist Movement and “Women Protection Bill of Pakistan”-An analytical study “Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences” B.Z.U, Multan. December 2010
17 Islam and Fertility Regulations e-Journal of “WASET” World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology, FRANCE International June 2010
18 Ibn Khaldun and his Politico Economic Thoughts “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR Dec. 2009
19 Huqooq-E-niswan ke munafi Pakistani Riwaj Watta Satta (Islami aur Asri Teqiqi Jaiza) “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR Y Dec. 2009
20 Islami Tassawar-e- Hukmrani aur us ki Hudood-e-Ikhtiarat, “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR, 2009
21 Scope of Religious Freewill in Islamic Realm “Al-Adwa” P.U. LHR. 2009.
22 Issue of Gender and Feminist Movement: An Historical Appraisal “Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research” B.Z.U, Multan. 2009
23 The Concept of Peace and Security in Islam A chapter in book “The World’s Religions after September 11” (edited by Arvind Sharma, McGill University Canada), Published in USA. International 2008
24 The Holy Prophet (SAW) as a Messenger of Peace, “Al-Adwa” P.U. LHR, December 2008
25 Methodology of Tafseer e Muhammadi “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR, June 2008
26 Methodology of Tafseer e Muhammadi and contemporary Trends of Quranic Interpretations. Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge, International Islamic University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International 2006
27 Falsfa e Hudood-o-Qyud aur Falah-e-Insaniat, “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR 2006
28 Abaadi aur Taraqqi “Muhaddis” LHR- August 2005
29 Aazadi-e-Izhar aur Taarikh-e-Islam, “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR, 2005
30 Haqiqat-e-Zindgi, “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR December 2004
31 Mayar-e-Insaniat “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR, 2003
32 Takhliq-e-Insani Ka Maqsad, “Afkar-e-Muallim” LHR, November 2003
33 Hurriyyat-e-Fikr ka Mafhoom aur Ahmiyyat, “Afkar e Muallim”, LHR, October 2003
34 Islam main Hurriyyat-e-Fikr ki Hudood, “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR June 1999
35 Maghrabi Muashrey main Hurriyyat-e-Fikr ka Tassawar “Mujallah-e-Tehqiq” P.U. LHR. 1999
36 Hurriyyat-e-Fard ka Islami Tasawwar “Al-Qalam” P.U. LHR June 1998
Milli Services:
a) Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi is the Khateeb of the famous Ahl e Hadith Masjid Mubarak since 2009, the third oldest Ahl e Hadith Masjid in Lahore founded in 1919 and the institute of which it was part Amjuman Ahl e Hadith was founded in 1909. Many great scholars have been involved in this Masjid such as Shaykh Thanaullah Amritsari, Shaykh Haneef Nadwi and Shaykh Fadl Ar-Rahman ibn Muhammad.
This Masjid has a famous library Maktabah Dar Maarif which was the library of Professor AbdulQayum (First secretary general of Markazi Jamiat Ahl e Hadith Pakistan). Professor AbdulQayum’s son Major Zubayr Qayum is running Masjid Mubarak and the library above in 3 levels, and it is the biggest private library in Lahore. This institute is conducting a Seerah project initiated by Professor AbdulQayum which should be completed in 10 to 15 volumes.
b) This year Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi with some companions led the foundation of Faith College in Lahore, a university which will with religious subjects also teach scientific subjects.
c) Shaykh Hammad Lakhvi since many years has been teaching Tafsir of the Quran on Pagham TV reaching a large public around the world.
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