“The Wala (love/alliance) for a Muslim who combines Sunnah and innovation” by Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah and Shaykh Salih Aal Shaykh

Shaykh Al-Islam ibn Taymiyah said:
“The believer should hate for the sake of Allah and should love for the sake of Allah. Wherever there are believers, he must love and ally himself with them even if they have committed injustice against him, as injustice cannot cancel the Muwalah (love/alliance) based on faith.
He (Ta’ala) said: “And if two groups of believers fight each other, then make peace between them. But if one of them transgresses against the other, then fight against the transgressing group until they ˹are willing to˺ submit to the rule of Allah. If they do so, then make peace between both ˹groups˺ in all fairness and act justly. Surely Allah loves those who uphold justice” (Al-Hujurat, verse 9-10), so He declared them as brothers despite the presence of fighting and transgression and the order of reconciliation between them.
So the believer should ponder on these two categories and for how many one (category) is confused with the other, so it should be known that for the Muslim, love and alliance with him are obligatory even if he wronged you and transgressed against you, and that for the disbeliever, animosity towards him is obligatory even if gives to you and was kind to you, as verily Allah (Subhanahu) sent the Messengers and revealed the Books so that the religion is for Allah in its entirety, so that love is for His friends (Awliya) and hatred for His enemies, respect for His friends and disrespect for His enemies, reward for His friends and punishment for His enemies.
So if in a single person are combined good and evil, perversion and obedience and sins, and Sunnah and innovation (Bid’ah), he deserves from Muwalah (love/alliance) and reward according to the good in him, and he deserves animosity and punishment according to evil in him, so a singles person combines between what necessitates respect and disrespect, so he combines this and this, such as the poor thief, his hand is cut due to his theft an he is given from the state treasure to fulfil his needs. This is the fundamental upon which the people of the Sunnah and Al-Jama’ah have agreed, and they have been opposed by the Khawarij and Mu’tazilah and those who agree with them, and they (Khawarij and Mu’tazilah) have made people either deserving reward only or deserving punishment only.” (“Majmoo Al-Fatawa” vol 28 p 208-210)
Shaykh Salih Aal Shaykh said in his audio explanation of “Kitab Al-Istiqamah” of Shaykh Al-Islam ibn Taymiyah (6/6):
“The Khawarij are those for whom there are only two cases: either he is a believer or he is a disbeliever, and they don’t know how to deal with the sinner or the innovator with what contains this and this, and likewise some Ahlus Sunnah make it very hard upon the the innovator in a way that they do not verify in him the meaning of Muwalah (love/alliance) according to his faith…that there are no right for the innovator at all rather he should be hated from all sides, and this is not correct…” (as quoted in the Tweet of Shaykh Faisal Al-Jasem on the 11 November 2023)
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