hasanshahid85@hotmail.com -
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Gujranwala, Pakistan
Selected Fatawa Shaykh Mahmood Ahmad Mirpuri
Selected Fatawa of Shaykh Mahmood Ahmad Mirpuri (rah) As the previous English translation of “Fatawa Sirat e Mustaqeem” of Shaykh Mahmood Ahmad Mirpuri was done in a summarised manner, we will translate again some selected Fatawa from the Urdu edition of “Fatawa Sirat e Mustaqeem” published by Maktabah Quddusia, hoping in long term to translate […]
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Fatwa Lajnah Al-Ulama Pakistan on the permissibility of protests in UK under certain conditions
Fatwa Lajnah Al-Ulama Pakistan on the permissibility of protests in UK under certain conditions Question: In UK against vilification of Prophethood or vilification of the Quran and to defend against similar matters, according to European laws, protest rallies are organised, whose aim is to make our voice reach rulers and people of influence and to […]
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“Permissibility of Football” by Shaykh Ubaydullah Mubarakpuri
Shaykh Ubaydullah Mubarakpuri in his “Fatawa” v 5 p 32: Q: What are the scholars of the religion saying on the topic: Zayd is saying that playing Football is allowed because many scholars of the religion play it, and Umar says that playing Football is not allowed as it is the game of the Christians […]
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50 Fatawa of Ullama Ahl e Hadith
50 Fatawa of Ullama Ahl e Hadith CHAPTER AQIDAH The meaning of Tasawwuf Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri was asked: "What is Lughawi (linguistic) and Istilahi (technical) meaning of Tasawwuf, when did it start and who is its founder, and is it permissible to call oneself Sufi?" He (rah) replied as in his "Ahkam wa Masail" v […]
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Shaykh Ahmad Shakir on reciting Al-Fatihah behind the Imam
Sh Ahmad Shakir on reciting Surah Al-Fatihah behind the Imam. Imam Tirmizi said: "And this is the saying of Malik ibn Anas, ibn Al-Mubarak, Ash-Shafii, Ahmad and Ishaq, they see Qiraah (of Fatihah) behind the Imam" Sh Ahmad Shakir wrote in note to Sunnan Trimizi: "The Sharih (Sh AbdurRahman Mubarakpuri) wrote: "This is also the […]
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The status of the 4 Rakah before Isha prayer by shaykh Irshadul Haq Athari
The status of the 4 Rak’ah before ‘Isha prayer Based on article of shaykh Irshadul Haq Athari present in hi Maqalat vol 2 p 284. In almost all main Hanafi books of Fiqh, it is told that it is Sunnah to pray 4 Rak’ah before ‘Isha prayer but there is no authentic Hadith to support […]
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Dec 07 2015
Imam Abu Hanifah on Tawassul with essence (zaat)
Words of the Mufti of Ahnaf of his time Mahmud Al-Alusi Imam Mahmud Al-Alusi said in his “Ruh ul-Ma’ani” in Tafsir of the verse “Seek Wasilah to Him” (Maidah: 35): “This has the form of “Fa’ilatun” with the meaning of (the means) with one does Tawassul among actions of obedience and leaving sins… and Anbari […]
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Dec 01 2015
On Raising the Hands in Prayer by Allamah AbdurRahman Al-Mubarakpuri
On Raising the Hands in Prayer #1 by al-Hâfidh Abû al-‘Alâ Muhammad ‘Abdur-Rahmân bin Abdur-Rahîm al-Mubârakpûrî (d. 1352 AH / n/a CE) Translated by Abu Rumaysah ‘Tuhfatu-l-Ahwadhî bi Sharh Jâmi‘ at-Tirmidhî’ [2/88-100][1] [Start of quote from at-Tirmidhî] Chapter 189 – Raising Hands at Rukû‘ 255: Qutaybah and ibn Abî ‘Umar narrated to us saying; Sufyân […]
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Raising hands for invoaction and wiping over the face by Shaykh Irshadul Haq Athari
This is adapted from article of Shaykh Irshad ul Haqq Al-Athari written about the permissibility of wiping hands on the face and a refutation of those who think it is an innovation or only done by ignorant. This article was published in Al-I’tisam and is present in the Shaykh’s “Maqalat” volume 1. Shaykh ‘Abdul Mannan […]
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Fasting of Ashurah has been changed to 9th of Muharram by Hafiz Abdul Mannan Nurpuri
Hafiz Abdul Mannan An-Nurpuri (rah) wrote as quoted in his “Ahkam Masail” v 1 p 285 that fasting of Ashura has been changed to 9th of Muharram: “It is narrated in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said that if he remains alive the next year, he will fast on the 9th (of […]
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