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Gujranwala, Pakistan
The reality of the Shadhili order
The creed of Ash-Shadhili, Al-Mursi and ibn ‘Ata Illah Al-Iskandari Ibn ‘Ata Illah Al-Iskandari is considered as the third Imam of Shadhiliyah and is a student of Al-Mursi, student of Abul Hasan Ash-Shadhili. This misguided Sufi was among opponents to Shaykh ul Islam ibn Taymiyah when he came to Egypt. In the book “Lataif Al-Minan […]
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Dec 15 2015
Sayings of Fakhr Ar-Razi refuting grave worshipers
Many of these quotes from Fakhr Ar-Razi have been found through the book “Mawsu’ah Ahlus Sunnah” of Shaykh AbdurRahman Ad-Dimashqiyah written in refutation of the Ahbash. The Ahbash claimed that Mushriks believed in many Lords and their Shirk was in Lordshp (Rububiyah) and these sayings of Fakhr Ar-Razi refute these claims. Grave worship being similar […]
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Dec 11 2015
Did Imam Shafii seek Tabaruk from grave of Imam Abu Hanifah?
Quotes below are taken from the book “Mawsu’ah Ahlus Sunnah” of Shaykh AbdurRahman Ad-Dimashqiyah written in refutation of the Ahbash. The Ahbash have claimed that Tabarruk with the graves is correct and they justified this by what Khateeb Al-Baghdadi narrated that Ash-Shafi’i said: “I do Tabarruk with Abu Hanifah and I go to his grave […]
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Dec 11 2015
Lies and deception of Muhammad ibn Alawi Al-Maliki
The answer to Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi Al-Maliki is based and adapted from words of Shaykh Salih Al Shaykh from his book “Hazihi Mafahimuna” (These are our notions) Lies and deception about the narration of Adam doing Tawassul by the Prophet (saw) Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi Al-Maliki wrote in “Notions that must be corrected” p 85-86, Engl. […]
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The falsehood of Taqlid Shakhsi
Definition of Taqlid Ibn Humam said in his Tahrir as quoted from Shawkani in his “Irshad ul Fuhul”: “Taqlid is acting on the action of someone whose saying is not among Hujjah without prove.” Also in “Muthalam uth Thubut” p 289 it is said that following Quran, Hadith, Ijma’, Qadhi making judgment based on testimony […]
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Dec 10 2015
Revilements of Sahabah and Imams of Salaf by some Hanafi Muqalidun
Shaykh Irshad ul Haqq Al Athari in his “Maqalat” answered claims of many Deobandi like Dr Khalid Mahmud that Ahlul Hadith are revilers of Imams. And Shaykh Irshad ul Haqq answered showing examples from many Hanafi scholars, their revilements of Imams and results of blind Taqlid, and their Ta’assub. Almost all quotes from scholars below […]
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Tahrif An-Nusus (alteration of religious texts) by some Deobandis and Muhammad Awamah
Tahrif of the Quran by Mahmud ul Hasan Deobandi Allah (Ta’ala) said in verse 59 of Surah An-Nisa: يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ وَأُولِي الْأَمْرِ مِنْكُمْ فَإِنْ تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ ذَلِكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَحْسَنُ “O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad […]
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Dec 07 2015
Fabricated Ahadith mentioned by As-Subki in “Shifa as-Siqam” and refuted by Hafiz ibn Abdil Hadi in his “Sarim Al-Munki”
Fabricated Hadith “He who visits my grave after my death, it is as if visited me in my life” Hafiz ibn ‘Abdil Hadi said in “Sarim Al-Munki fi Radd ‘ala Subki” about the Hadith collected by Ad-Daraqutni and quoted by Subki in his “Shifa As-Siqam”: Abu Rabi’ Az-Zahrani from Hafs ibn Abi Dawud from Layth […]
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Dec 07 2015
Imam Abu Hanifah on Tawassul with essence (zaat)
Words of the Mufti of Ahnaf of his time Mahmud Al-Alusi Imam Mahmud Al-Alusi said in his “Ruh ul-Ma’ani” in Tafsir of the verse “Seek Wasilah to Him” (Maidah: 35): “This has the form of “Fa’ilatun” with the meaning of (the means) with one does Tawassul among actions of obedience and leaving sins… and Anbari […]
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“Shifa” of Qadhi Iyad and Tafsir Jalalayn refuting the Barailwi Creed
“Ash-Shifa” of Qadi ‘Iyad refuting Barailwi Creed English translatation by Aisha Bewley, who is famous Darqawi Sufi, p 348-351: SECTION 3:The Prophet’s states with respect to worldly matters We will examine the Prophet’s worldly states with respect to his beliefs, reports and actions. As for worldly beliefs, one aspect of his state in this regard […]
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