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Gujranwala, Pakistan
Role of Ahl e Hadith in Nadwatul Ullama by Shaykh Muhammad Tanzeel Siddiqi
“The role of Ah e Hadith in Nadwatul Ullama”, Extracts from the book “Bare Sagheer mein Ashabul Hadith, Eek Mutala’ah” of Shaykh Muhammad Tanzeel Siddiqi Husayni, translated by Ali Hassan Khan Shaykh Muhammad Tanzeel Siddiqi Husayni is the great grandson of Allamah Shamsul Haq Azeembadi (author of the famous explanation of Sunnan Abi Dawud called […]
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“The Wala (love/alliance) for a Muslim who combines Sunnah and innovation” by Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah and Shaykh Salih Aal Shaykh
Shaykh Al-Islam ibn Taymiyah said: “The believer should hate for the sake of Allah and should love for the sake of Allah. Wherever there are believers, he must love and ally himself with them even if they have committed injustice against him, as injustice cannot cancel the Muwalah (love/alliance) based on faith. He (Ta’ala) said: […]
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Speech of Shaykh Raohullah Tauhidi on Shaykh AbdulHameed Rahmaty Shaheed (insha Allah)
English translation of Speech of Shaykh Muhammad Raohullah Tauhidi (Amir Markazi Jamiat Ahl e Hadith Kahybar Pakhunkhwah) on Tuesday 18 January 2022 live on Facebook, regarding the martyrdom (insha Allah) of Shaykh AbdulHameed Rahmaty (rah) Al-Hamdulillah Rabbil Alamin, wal Aqibatu Lil Mutaqin, wa Salat wa Salam ala Sayidil Anbiya wal Mursalin, Nabiyina Muhammad (saw) wa […]
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Explanation of Hadith on giving protection to criminals and innovators in Madinah
Shaykh SafiuRahman Mubarakuri explanation of protecting a Muhdith in Madinah Hadith 3323: Asim said: “I said to Anas ibn Malik: “Did the Messenger of Allah (saw) declare Al-Madinah sacred?” He said: “Yes what is between such and such and such and such. And whoever introduces any Hadath in it- He said: “Then he said to […]
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Ibn Taymiyah and other Sunni scholars on Kashf and Ilham
Shaykh Al-Islam ibn Taymiyah in Aqidah Al-Wasitiyah Shaykh ul Islam ibn Taymiyah wrote: “Among the fundamentals of the people of the Sunnah is the belief in the Karamat of the Awliya. And What Allah caused to occur at their hands of unusual occurrences, regarding types of knowledge (Al-Ulum) and unveiling (al-Mukashafat), and types of ability […]
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Oct 22 2019
Will each individual of the 72 sects go to the Hellfire?
Will each individual of the 72 sects go to the hellfire? Shaykh Al-Islam ibn Taymiyah wrote: “Those who excommunicate the exponents of heresy and fancy (ahl al-bid’ah wa al-Ahwa) like the Shi’ah, the Mu’tazilah and others, go against the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the consensus of the Companions and the Successors. The proof that the […]
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Voting and elections by Shaykh Sa’di, Shaykh Ahmad Shakir and Hafiz Thanaullah Madni
Shaikh AbdurRahman ibn Nasir AS-Sa'di, one of Imam of Ahle Sunnat of our times, wrote in his Tafsir Surah Hud, 91: "Based upon this, if the Muslims who live under Wilayah (rule) of disbelievers, if they strive and act upon making this Wilayah (rule) democratic (Jumhooriyah), in which the individuals and people have the rights […]
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Ahl e Hadith leaders on elections and cooperation
Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi views on politics and cooperation in it Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi, one of greatest scholar of Ahl e Hadith omvement and senior leader of Markazi Jamiat Ahl e hadith Pakistan, wrote in "Tanqeedul Masail" about politics in Pakistan: "Ahl e Hadith should not try to make their political group separate, likewise Deobandis should […]
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“The reality of Karamat and can they occur for innovators?” by Shaykh Salih Aal Shaykh
Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah wrote in “Furqan Bayna Awliya Rahman wa Awliya Shaytan” Eng tran p 155: “It is not a perquisite for a Waliy of Allah that he be free of sin or error, instead it is possible that some knowledge of the Shariah be unknown to him or some aspects of the religion […]
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English Translations of books of Ahl e Hadith scholars of Indopak
A list of books of Ahl e Hadith from Indopak in English 1) “40 Ahl e Hadith scholars from the Indian Subcontinent” of Shaykh AbdurRasheed Iraqee (Umm-ul-Qura Publications, 504 pages) 2) “A History of the Ahlul Hadeeth” by Shaykh Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ad-Dehlawee Al-Madanee, with verification of Shaykh Ali Al-Halabee 172p 3) “Seerah Al-Bukhari” of […]
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