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Gujranwala, Pakistan
Biography Shaykh Abul Ashbal Sagheer Ahmad Shaghif
Biography of Shaykh Abul Ashbal Sagheer Ahmad Shaghif. Shaykh Abul Ashbal Sagheer Ahmed Shaghif was born in 1942 in India in the province of Bihar in the village of “Tolah Sotah” near Chambaran. He started his studies by studying “Qaidah Baghdadi” from an elder of his village Mian Muhammad Isma’eel. Afterwards he joined a Madrasah […]
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Oct 22 2019
Will each individual of the 72 sects go to the Hellfire?
Will each individual of the 72 sects go to the hellfire? Shaykh Al-Islam ibn Taymiyah wrote: “Those who excommunicate the exponents of heresy and fancy (ahl al-bid’ah wa al-Ahwa) like the Shi’ah, the Mu’tazilah and others, go against the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the consensus of the Companions and the Successors. The proof that the […]
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Oct 29 2018
Bio of Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Batalwi
Biography of Shaykh Al-Islam Abu Sa'eed Muhammad Husayn Batalwi (1840-1920) The Shaykh was born on the 19th March 1840 in Batalah in the province of Indian Punjab Gurdaspur. His father's name was Raheem Bakhsh and his grand father's name was Zawq Muhammad. His forefathers were Hindus and after entering Islam, they made the spread of […]
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50 Fatawa of Ullama Ahl e Hadith
50 Fatawa of Ullama Ahl e Hadith CHAPTER AQIDAH The meaning of Tasawwuf Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri was asked: "What is Lughawi (linguistic) and Istilahi (technical) meaning of Tasawwuf, when did it start and who is its founder, and is it permissible to call oneself Sufi?" He (rah) replied as in his "Ahkam wa Masail" v […]
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Shaykh Ahmad Shakir on reciting Al-Fatihah behind the Imam
Sh Ahmad Shakir on reciting Surah Al-Fatihah behind the Imam. Imam Tirmizi said: "And this is the saying of Malik ibn Anas, ibn Al-Mubarak, Ash-Shafii, Ahmad and Ishaq, they see Qiraah (of Fatihah) behind the Imam" Sh Ahmad Shakir wrote in note to Sunnan Trimizi: "The Sharih (Sh AbdurRahman Mubarakpuri) wrote: "This is also the […]
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Voting and elections by Shaykh Sa’di, Shaykh Ahmad Shakir and Hafiz Thanaullah Madni
Shaikh AbdurRahman ibn Nasir AS-Sa'di, one of Imam of Ahle Sunnat of our times, wrote in his Tafsir Surah Hud, 91: "Based upon this, if the Muslims who live under Wilayah (rule) of disbelievers, if they strive and act upon making this Wilayah (rule) democratic (Jumhooriyah), in which the individuals and people have the rights […]
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Ahl e Hadith leaders on elections and cooperation
Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi views on politics and cooperation in it Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi, one of greatest scholar of Ahl e Hadith omvement and senior leader of Markazi Jamiat Ahl e hadith Pakistan, wrote in "Tanqeedul Masail" about politics in Pakistan: "Ahl e Hadith should not try to make their political group separate, likewise Deobandis should […]
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“The reality of Karamat and can they occur for innovators?” by Shaykh Salih Aal Shaykh
Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah wrote in “Furqan Bayna Awliya Rahman wa Awliya Shaytan” Eng tran p 155: “It is not a perquisite for a Waliy of Allah that he be free of sin or error, instead it is possible that some knowledge of the Shariah be unknown to him or some aspects of the religion […]
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Jun 16 2018
The efforts of the Kaylani family
Kaylani family'e efforts in spreading knowledge and publication: The head of the Kaylani family was Haji Muhammad Arif who had three sons: Imamudin, Muhammad Din and Sultan Ahmad . Shaykh Imamudin was a scholar who studied at Madrasah Ghaznawiyah Amritsar, and he had 3 sons: Noor Ilahi, Hafiz AbdulHai and AbdulWahid. Noor Ilahi was not […]
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English Translations of books of Ahl e Hadith scholars of Indopak
A list of books of Ahl e Hadith from Indopak in English 1) “40 Ahl e Hadith scholars from the Indian Subcontinent” of Shaykh AbdurRasheed Iraqee (Umm-ul-Qura Publications, 504 pages) 2) “A History of the Ahlul Hadeeth” by Shaykh Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ad-Dehlawee Al-Madanee, with verification of Shaykh Ali Al-Halabee 172p 3) “Seerah Al-Bukhari” of […]
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