Biography of Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi
Biography of Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi
The biography of the father of Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi, Shaykh Abdul Aziz Sa’eedi, has been mentioned before, likewise the biography of his brother Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi. Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi was born on the 7th September 1957 in Mankera (Bhakar).
Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi did his primary studies in Mankerah and went afterwards to study in Dar Al-Hadith Muhammadiyah Jalalpur Peerwala, then in Jamiyah Salafiyah Faisalabad and afterwards to Madinah University from which he graduated in 1983. Afterwards he passed MA Arabic and MA Islamiyat from Punjab University.
We count among his teachers: Shaykh Sultan Mahmood Jalalpuri, Shaykh Muhammad Rafeeq Athari, Shaykh Allah Yaar Khan, Hafiz Thanaullah Madni, Shaykh Muhammad Siddiq Lailpuri, Shaykh Ahmadullah Budhimalwi, Shaykh Qudratullah Fawq, Shaykh Umar Fullatah, Shaykh AbdulQadeer Habeeb Sindhi, Shaykh Rabi Madkhali, Shaykh Atiyah Saalim, Shaykh Dhiya Ar-Rahman A’zami Umri.
Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi taught 6 years in Jamiyah Lahore Islamiyah of Shaykh AbdurRahman Madni. During this time, he also taught judges and lawyers in “Al-Ma’had Al-Aali li Shari’ah wal Qadha” of Shaykh AbdurRahman Madni.
In 1990 after passing the exams of service commission, Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi became lecturer in Government College Layah.
His writings
His efforts on the Tafsir of the Quran
Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi did some scholarly work on “Al-Jami lil Ahkam Al-Quran” of Imam Qurtubi and “Ahkam Al-Qur’an” of Imam Al-Jassas for Allamah Iqbal Open University Islamabad.
The topic of his M Phil is “Ahkam Al-Qur’an” of Qadhi Abu Bakr ibnul Arabi from Surah Al-Fatihah to Surah Al-Baqarah verse 60. He translated this section of the Tafsir and did Takhrij of the Ahadith and wrote many notes on it, making the Maqalah more than 300 pages.
His writings on Hadith:
1) Translaton of “Arba’een Nawawi”, published by Farooqi Kutub Khana
2) “Sharh Arab’een Nawawi”: Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi wrote a 224 pages Urdu explanation of “Arabeen Nawawi” and it was published by Darussalam.
3) “As-Saheefah fil Asharah Ad-Da’eefah”: During his last year of Jamiyah Salafiyah Faisalabad, Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi did a Takhrij of 10 weak Ahadith in the chapter of Hudud of Sunnan Abi Dawood. This epistle was first called “Takhrij Al-Ahadith Al-Asharah min Kitab Al-Hudud min Sunnan Abi Dawood”.
4) “Takhrij Al-Ahadith Al-Waridah fi Hadd As-Saraqah wa ma Yustanbitu minha min Ahkam”: Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi wrote this epistle in his last year in Madinah University.
5) “Hadith ‘Amamah or un ki Isnadi Haythiyat”: This epistle was published in the magazine “Mohadis” Lahore regarding the Ahadith of turban.
6) “Adab Deen wa Duniya”: Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi translated the epistle of Hafiz ibn Rajab regarding the famous Hadith: “Two hungry wolves roaming freely among a flock of sheep are less destructive to them than the passion of a man for wealth and high status are to his religion.”, and it was published in “Mohadis”
7) “Ghayah An-Naf’ fi Shar’ Tamthil Al-Mumin bi Khamah Zar’”: Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi translated the epistle of Hafiz ibn Rajab regarding the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim: “”The example of a believer is that of a fresh tender plant; from whatever direction the wind comes, it bends it, but when the wind becomes quiet, it becomes straight again”, and it was published in “Mohadis”
8) “Al-Lulu wal Marjan”: Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi translated with brief notes the book “Al-Lulu wal Marjan”, which is the compilation of 1906 Ahadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim, of Allamah Muhammad Fuwad Baqi. It was published by Darussalam.
9) “Tadrib Ar-Rawi”: Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi translated the famous book of Mustalah Al-Hadith of Hafiz As-Suyuti, “Tadrib Ar-Rawi”. “Tadrib Ar-Rawi” is an explanation of Imam Nawawi’s “Taqreeb wa Taysir li Ma’rifah Sunnan Al-Basheer An-Nazeer”, which was a summary of “Muqaddimah ibn Salah”.
10) Shaykh Sa’eed Mujtaba Sa’eedi has been translating since long time with a group of scholars, the Musnad of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal.
His other translated books:
1) Adab Ad-Dua
2) Kitab Tawheed
3) Kalimah Al-Ikhlas
4) “Al-Istisharah wal Istikharah” of Shaykh Abdullah Ulwan
5) “Al-Wafa bil A’hd wa Sidq fil A’hd” of Shaykh Aadil Mukhtar
6) “Al-‘Ibr” of Shaykh Abu AbdirRahman Misri
7) “Huquq Al-Walidayn” of Shaykh Majdi Fathi Sa’eedi
8) “Al-Ithar” of Shaykh Sameer Halabi
9) “Adab Hajj” of Shaykh Sameer Halabi
Other services:
Shaykh Sa’eed Muhtaba Sa’eedi is also part of Ulama Fatwa Council, of which Shaykh AbdusSattar Hammad is president and Shaykh Mubashar Rabbani vice president, and many other scholars such as Shaykh Muhammad Muneer Qamar, Shaykh Javed Iqbal Sialkoti, Shaykh Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer, Shaykh Hisham Elahi Zaheer, Shaykh Khizar Hayat and others.
Sources: “Dabistan Hadith” and “Ahl e Hadith Khuddam e Quran” of Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti and others.
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