Biography of Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi

Biography of Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi
The biography of Shaykh Abdul Aziz Sa’eedi, father of Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi, has been mentioned previously. Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi was born in September 1951 Mankera (Bhakar). He learned the Quran and basis Islamic teachings from his father. Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi joined government schools and passed his Matric in 1966.
His religious studies
Afterwards, his father inscribed him in the same Madrasah from which he had graduated, Dar Al-Hadith Muhammadiyah in Jalalpur Peerwala. Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi studied from Shaykh Sultan Mahmood Jalalpuri, Shaykh Muhammad Rafeeq Athari, Shaykh Allah Yaar Khan and other teachers and remained there up to 1973 when he graduated from Dars Nizami.
During his studies there, Shaykh Sultan Mahmood Jalalpuri used to call him to train for Fatwa so that he can be trained in research work. Also in this time, Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi passed FA and Fadhil Arabic. In 1969, he had joined Jamiat Tulaba Ahl e Hadith but Shaykh Sultan Mahmood Jalalpuri was not in favour of this as it was a political action. Afterwards Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi himself developed hatred from politics and decided to focus on knowledge only.
Afterwards, Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi wanted to join Madeenah University. He first went to Karachi to study in Dar Al-Hadith Rehmaniyah where he benefited from Shaykh Hakim Ali, Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Khaaif, Shaykh AbdulAziz Toor Lailpuri, Shaykh Muhammad Sadiq Khalil and others. Shaykh Abdullah Nasir Rehmani was his class fellow there.
Afterwards Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi joined Jamiyah Salafiyah Faisalabad and he wanted from there to be admitted to Madinah University. He benefited there from Shaykh Muhammad Siddiq Lailpuri, Hafiz Thanaullah Madni, Shaykh Qudratullah Fawq, Shaykh UbaydurRahman Madni and others. At the end of 1977, he was admitted to Madinah University.
Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi graduated from Madinah University in 1981 and his father passed away the same year before his graduation. In Madinah, he benefited from Shaykh Muhammad Aman Ali Jami, Shaykh AbdulFattah Salamah Misri, Shaykh AbdulFattah Ashoor Misri, Shaykh Syed AbdulWakeel Misri.
Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi obtained Ijazah in Hadith from Shaykh Sultan Mahmood Jalalpuri, Shaykh AbdulGhaffar Hasan, Hafiz Thanaullah Madni, Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri, Shaykh Hakim Ali and his father Shaykh Abdul Aziz Sa’eedi
His teaching
After graduating from Madinah University, Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi was appointed as teacher in Jamiyah Salafiyah Faisalabad and he taught there for 4 years. Afterwards he decided to start preaching in his village of Mankera and he opened a stationary shop there.
In 1987, Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi became teacher in Jamiyah Abu Bakr Islamiyah in Karachi. This university had students from 25 countries and the entire teaching there was in Arabic. At the time, Shaykh Mas’ood Alam was the Mudeer of Ta’leem (director of education) and Chaudry Yaseen (may Allah have mercy on him) was Muntazim A’la of the Jamiyah and among other teachers there: Shaykh Khalil Ar-Rahman Lakhvi, Shaykh Ata’ullah Sajid, Dr Muhammad Husayn Lakhvi. In 2000, Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi was given the position of Mudeer Ta’lim.
In 2005, after teaching for 18 years in Jamiyah Abu Bakr Islamiyah in Karachi, Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi went to teach in Jamiyah Miraatul Quran wal Hadith in Mandi Warburton in the area of Nankanah. This Madrasah was established by Darssalam Publishers Lahore, the international well known publisher.
His writings
His written books
1) In his last year of Madinah University, Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi wrote an Arabic essay entitled “Al-Imam Thanaullah Al-Amritsari, Hayatuhu was Khidmatuhu”
2) He authored as well a book “Tabweeb Ahadith Bulugh Al-Maram” in making sub chapters of “Bulugh Al-Maram”
3) His Khutbat have been published by “Dar Al-Balagh” under the name “Nonihal Islami Khutbat”
His translations
Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi translated many books such as:
1) “Sunnan Abi Dawood”: Translation with brief notes, published by Darussalam
2) “Jaaiz or Najaiz Tabbaruk”: translation of the book “At-Tabaruk Al-Mashru’ was Ghayr Mashru” of Shaykh Ali Al-Ulyani
3) “Uloom Al-Hadith”: Translation of a book of Shaykh Muhammad Ali Qutb
4) “Taysir Mustalah Al-Hadith”: Translation of book of Shaykh Mahmood Tahhan
5) “Hajj Nabawwi la Ankhon dekha Haal”: Translation of book “Kayfa
Hajja Rasoolullahi (saw)” of Shaykh Abu Turab Zahiri
6) “Fadhail A’mal”: Translation of book “Kifayah A-Ta’abbud wa Tahaffut wa Tazahhud” of Hafiz Abdul Azeem Al-Munziri
7) “Al-Hittah fi Zikr As-Sihhah As-Sittah”: Translation in summarised manner of book of Allamah Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan
8) “Islam ka Nizam Talaq”: Translation of book “Nizam At-Talaq fil Islam” of Allamah Ahmad Shakir
9) “Al-Lubab fi Fiqh Sunnah wal Kitab”: translation of book of Shaykh Muhammad Subhi Hallaq
10) “Sharh Aqidah Al-Wasitiyah”: Translation of book of Shaykh ibn Utheymeen
11) “Fatawa Al-Marah Al-Muslimah”: Translation of Fatawa of Arab scholars on women
12) “Iman Afroz Wasitiyan”: Translation of book “Al-Maqalah Al-Fasihah fil Wasiyah wa Nasihah” of Allamah Nawab Siddiq Khan, published by Dar Abi Tayab.
With many others
With these Shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi also authored many articles in many magazines such as “Mohadis”, “Majallah jamiyah Abi Bakr”, “Al-Itisam”, “Uswah Hasanah” and others.
Source: “Gulistan Hadith” of Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti
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