Magazine Ahl e Hadith N 4

Table of contents:
1) Fatwa of the Lajnah Al-Ullama Pakistan on the permissibility of rallies in UK with some conditions
2) Second part of the article of Shaykh Sultan Al-Umayri clarifying the view of Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah and Hafiz ibn Al-Qayim on Shirk and replying to the doubts of Dr Hatim Al-Awni, translated by Ustadh Ibrahim Farooqi
3) Review of Shaykh Kamil Ahmad of the book “Khurasaniyyah” which is the commentary of Shaykh Abdul Aziz At-Tarefe of the creed of the two Razis
4) Kufr can occur with belief, speech or by action only, extracts from the book Tawassut” of Shaykh Alawwi Saqqaf, introduced by Shaykh ibn Baz
5) Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Nu’man Azami
6) Fatawa Shaykh Mahmood Ahmad Mirpuri
7) My Memoirs p 23 of Shaykh Suhaib Hasan
8) Shaykh Faisal Jasim and Allamah Bakr Abu Zayd on some dangerous secular statements
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