Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti

Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti
Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti was born on the 15th March 1925, his paternal family was from Kot Kapurah (Farid Kot in Western Punjab) and his maternal family was from the village Hindayah (Patiala). His father’s name was Mian AbdulMajeed and his grandfather’s name was Mian Muhammad. His family was very religious and they had established “Anjuman Islah Al-Muslimin” in Kot Kapurah which was organising talks and conferences in which scholars such as Shaykh Ibrahim Mir Sialkoti, Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi, Shaykh Muhammad Ali Lakhvi, Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri, Shaykh Isma’eel Salafi, Shaykh Abdul Majeed Sohadrawi, Shaykh Haneef Nadwi, Shaykh Muhiudin Ahmad Qasuri and others preeminent scholars were invited.
In 1933 Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti was in 4th class, he had learned the Quran and some Urdu books from his grandfather Mian Muhammad. Shaykh Ata’ullah Haneef Bhujiyani came as a teacher and Khateeb in Kot Kapurah in 1933 and Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti joined his circle of studies. He studied Tafsir, Hadith and different books from Shaykh Bhujiyani and then upon his instruction, Shaykh Bhatti went to Gujranwala to study Muwatta, Muslim and Bukhari again from Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi. He also studied Tafsir Baydhawi, Tafsir Jalalayn, Sunnan Abu Dawood and other books of Fiqh from Shaykh Isma’eel Salafi. Afterwards Shaykh Ata’ullah Haneef Bhujiyani, Shaykh Dawood Ghaznawi and Shaykh Haneef Nadwi trained him to write articles.
After his studies, he worked for a year as clerk in Mahkamah Anhar Head Sulayman. Afterwards, he taught from 1943 to 1947 in the Madrasah “Markaz Al-Islam” in Lakhoki which was ran by Shaykh Muhiudin Lakhvi and Shaykh Mu’eenudin Lakhvi. Some of Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti’s ancestors were students of Shaykh Muhiuduin AbdurRahman Lakhvi and Shaykh Muhammad Ali Lakhvi.
His political efforts for independence
In June 1945 in 8 famous states of India a political group called “Perjamandal” was formed. In Farid Kot, the president of “Perjamandal” was Gayani Zel Singh, who many years after independence became President of India. Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti was the Secretary General of “Perjamandal” in the state of Farid Kot. Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti was arrested in 1945 and spent 12 to 13 months in Ferozpur Jail and was freed in June 1946. Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti had met Shaykh Abul Kalam Azad, Johar Lal Nehru and other great political leaders.
His journalistic and writings services
After independence, Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti moved with 130 members of his family to Pakistan on 21 August 1947 in Kasur District and then he and his family moved to the village Mansurpur Tesiyan in Jarran Wala Chak 53 near Faisalabad where they settled. On 24 July 1948 Markazi Jamiat Ahl e Hadith Maghrabi Pakistan was established, Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti was present in the founding gathering in Dar Al-Ulum Taqwiyatul Islam Lahore. Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti was appointed as office secretary (Nazim Daftar) of Markazi Jamiat Ahl e Hadith and worked in their office in Lahore. He remained the secretary of Shaykh Dawood Ghaznawi for 15 years.
In August 1949, the magazine “Al-Itisam” was established by Shaykh Ata’ullah Haneef Bhujiyani and Shaykh Haneef Nadwi was appointed as its editor. Seeing Shaykh Bhatti’s writing skills, Shaykh Haneef Nadwi requested the Jamiat to appoint Shaykh Bhatti as assistant Editor of “Al-Itisam”, hence Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti with being Nazim Daftar was also assistant Editor of “Al-Itisam”. On 15 May 1951, Shaykh Haneef Nadwi joined “Idarah Ath-Thaqafat Al-Islamiyah” and Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti became the Editor of “Al-Itisam” and remained in this position for 14 years up to 1965. Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti spent 16 years total in “Al-Itisam” as he was assistant editor for 2 years.
In January 1958 he published his own twice weekly magazine “Manhaj” which lasted for 14 months, and he also wrote articles in the daily newspapers “Imroz”. After leaving “Al-Itisam”, Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti became the editor of the magazine “At-Tawheed” of Shaykh Abu Bakr Ghaznawi but he resigned quickly from it and this magazine did not carry on for a long time.
On 21st October 1965, he started to work for “Idarah Ath-Thaqafat Al-Islamiyah” which was a semi-government organisation and in which Shaykh Muhammad Haneef Nadwi, Shaykh Muhammad Ikram, Shaykh Sayed Jaffer Shah Phulwari, and Shaykh Rais Ahmad Jaffri were also working. Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti worked there up to 16 March 1996 and he was the editor of this Idarah’s monthly magazine “Al-Ma’arif” for 22 years.
In 1996, Shaykh Arif Javed Muhammadi from Jamiyah Ihya Turath Kuwait met Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti and asked him to write books on the Tarikh of Ahl e Hadith and Shaykh Arif Javed Muhammadi asked him about his monthly household expenses and then called the head of the Indian Department of Jamiah Ihya Turath Kuwait who at the time was Shaykh Mish’al As-Saeed and he approved to pay monthly Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti to write books on the history of Ahl e Hadith. Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti up to his death was thus attached to Jamiyah Ihya Turath Kuwait.
Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti went to Kuwait and on the 3rd July 2008, Shaykh Tariq Al-Isa, head of Jamiyah Ihya Turath Kuwait, gave him the shield of “Muarikh Ahl e Hadith” in front of a great gathering, in which Shaykh Khalid Mutayri (Current Head of the Indian section of Jamiyah Ihya Turath), Shaykh AbdulAziz Al-Mufraj, Shaykh Nasir Ajmi, Shaykh Salahdin Maqbool Ahmad, Shaykh AbduKhaliq Madni and many other scholars were present. Shaykh Muhammad Ziyad Tuklah as well obtained an ijaza from Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti during Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti’s visit of Kuwait.
His books and translations
1) “Al-Fihrist ibn An-Nadeem”: Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti translated this famous book of the historian Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn An-Nadeem Al-Baghdadi to Urdu and added notes on some places. The translation was published in 1969 in 914 pages.
2) “Bare Sagheer Pakohind mein Ilm Fiqh”: This is a unique book authored by Shaykh Bhatti on this topic. It gathers the writings in Fiqh from Sultan Ghiyathudin Balban (686H) to Sultan Orangzeb (1118H). This book sheds light on Fatawa Ghiyathiyah, Fatawa Qura Khani, Fawaid Fayroz Shahi, Fatawa Tatar Khaniyah, Fatawa Hamadiyah, Fatawa Ibrahim Shahi (Persian part), Fatawa Aminiyah, Fatawa Babiri and Fatawa Alamgiri. This book of more than 400 pages was published first in 1973 by Idarah Thaqafat Islamiyah.
3) “Fuqaha e Hind”: This book in 10 volumes contains the details of Jurists of the Indian Subcontinent from the first century to the 13th century from all schools of thought, Ahl e Hadith, Hanafi, Shafi’i, Maliki, Hanbali and Shia. The details of these 10 volumes are:
Fuqaha e Hind 1st volume contains scholars from first to 8th century, a book of 328 pages published in 1974
Fuqaha e Hind 2nd volume contains the scholars of the 9th century, a book of 264 pages published in 1975.
Fuqaha e Hind 3rd volume contains the scholars of the 10th century, a book of 400 pages published in 1976.
Fuqaha e Hind 4th volume first part contains the scholars of the 11th century, a book of 280 pages published in 1977.
Fuqaha e Hind 4th volume second part contains also the scholars of the 11th century, a book of 416 pages published in 1978.
Fuqaha e Hind 5th volume first part contains the scholars of the 12th century, a book of 352 pages published in 1979.
Fuqaha e Hind 5th volume second part also contains the scholars of the 12th century, a book of 428 pages published in 1981.
Fuqaha Pakohind vol 1 contains the scholars of the 13th century, a book of 344 pages published in 1982
Fuqaha Pakohind vol 2 also contains the scholars of the 13th century, a book of 277 pages published in 1984
Fuqaha Pakohind vol 3 also contains the scholars of the 13th century, a book of 452 pages published in 1989
4) “Bare Sagheer mein Islam ki Awaleen Nuqush”: It contains the details of 25 companions, 42 Tabi’is, and 18 Taba Tabi’in who came to India. This book of 224 pages was published in 1989.
5) “Armaghan Haneef”: Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti compiled many of his articles on the biography and services of Shaykh Muhammad Haneef Nadwi with articles of other scholars: Muhammad Sa’eed Ar-Rahman Alawi, Dr Tahsin Faraqi, Abbdul Hay Qureshi and Mirza Adeeb. This book of 371 pages was published in 1989.
The previous books were written for and published by “Idarah Thaqafat Islamiyah” when Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti was working for them. With these books he also edited many books published by “Idarah Thaqafat Islamiyah”:
a) “Urdu Nathar ke Irtiqa mein Ullama ka Hisah” of Dr Muhammad Ayub Qadiri.
b) “Shah AbdulAziz Dehlwi or un ki Ilmi Khidmat” of Dr Tharaya Dar.
c) “Shuruh Sahih Bukhari” of Ghazalah Haamid
d) “Peghambar Insaniyat” of Shaykh Shah Ja’far Pahlwari
e) “Fiqh Umar” translated by Shaykh Abu Yahya Khan Noshahrwi.
With these books, he also wrote detailed 20 to 30 articles for “Urdu Dairah Ma’arif Islamiyah” Punjab University. Among these articles we count the following essays on the Qur’an which were published in 1976:
a) Jam’ Wa Tadween Quran
b) Fazail Al-Quran
c) Mazameen Al-Quran
d) Waqiat wa Qisas Al-Quran
e) I’jaz Al-Quran: This essay was more than 300 pages.
6) “Nuqush Azmat Raftah”: This book was the first collection of biographies written by Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti, it contains the biographies of 21 personalities and mentions their scholarly and political services. This book with mentioning in majority Ahl e Hadith scholars such as Shaykh Dawood Ghaznawi, Shaykh Ismaeel Salafi, Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi, Shaykh Ata’ullah Haneef Bhujiyani also mentions some Hanafi Deobandi and Brelwi scholars. He also added his friend the Sikh leader Gayani Zel Singh who became president of India. This book of 640 pages was published in 1997 by Maktabah Qudusiya.
7) “Bazm Arjumandan”: This book is the second collection of biographies authored by Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti, it contains the biographies of many Ahl e Hadith scholars such as Shaykh Abul Kalam Azad, Shaykh Thanaullah Amritsari, Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri, Shaykh Muhammad Ali Lakhvi and some Hanafi scholars such as Dr Israr Ahmad. This book of 629 pages was published in 1999 by Maktabah Qudusiyah.
8) “Karwan e Salaf”: The third collection of biographies contains biographies of scholars such as Shaykh AbdulWahab Dehlwi, Shaykh Muhammad Shareef Gariyalwi, Shaykh Ata’ullah Shaheed, Shaykh Muhibullah Shah Rashdi, Shaykh Badiudin Shah Rashdi and others. This book of 528 pages was published on 1999 by Maktabah Islamiyah.
9) “Qafilah Hadith”: The 4th collection of the Shaykh on biographies of scholars such as Shaykh Ibrahim Mir Sialkoti, Shaykh Shamsul Haqq Salafi, Shaykh Abdullah Budhimalvi, Shaykh Muhammad Haneef Nadwi, Shaykh Muhiudin Lakhvi and others. This book was published in 2003 by Maktabah Qudusia in 645 pages.
10) “Qasuri Khandan”: This book contains the biography of Shaykh AbdulQadir Qasuri who played a great role in independence, and the biographies of his sons who also played a great role for independence, and likewise the biographies of brothers of Shaykh AbdulQadir Qasuri. This book of 208 pages was published in 1994 by Maktabah Ta’limat Islamiyah Mamun Kanjan.
11) “Mian Fazl e Haq or un Ki Khidmat”: The biography of the former secretary general of Markazi Jamiat Ahl e Hadith Pakistan, Mian Fazl Haq. This book of 240 pages was published in 1997.
12) “Bare Sagheer main Ahl e Hadith ki Aamid”: This book mentions companions, Tabi’is and scholars after them who came to India and it explains the methodology of Ahl e Hadith in Fiqh. It was published by Maktabah Qudusia in 2004 in 348 pages.
13) “Sufi Muhammad Abdullah”: Sufi Muhammad Abdullah was a complete saint who had joined the movement of Shah Ismaeel and Sayed Ahma Shaheed. In 1922 he established a Dar Al-Ulum in Odhan Wala and in 1965 he established Jamiyah Taleem Islam in Mamu Kanjin.
14) “Mian Abdul Aziz Malodrah”: Mian AbdulAziz Malodrah was a lawyer respected for his political activities and great services. Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti mentioned in it the history of Muslim league, the 16 great cases fought by Mian Malodrah such as the case of Zafar Ali Khan, the case of Ghazi Mahmood Darampal, the case of Shaykh Thanaullah Amritsari, the case of Ghazi Ilmudin Shaheed, the case of Sayid Ata’ullah Shah Bukhari and others. This book of more than 600 pages was published in 2006 by Kitab Sarae.
15) “Tazkirah Qadhi Muhammad Sulayman Mansurpuri”: This book is a biography of Qadhi Sulayman Mansurpuri, a famous Ahl e Hadith scholar, known for his Seerah book “Rahmatun lil Alamin”. This book of more than 500 pages was published in 2007 by Maktabah Salafiyah.
16) “Molana Abul Kalam Azad, Ek Nabighah Rozgar Shakhsiyat”: Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti had written a lengthy biography of the famous Ahl e Hadith scholar and Mufassir Shaykh Abul Kalam Azad, who was a leader of the Congress and education minister in India, within his book “Bazm Arjumandan”. In 2001 Khudah Bakhsh Oriental Public Library reprinted this section in a separate book of 132 pages and called it with this name.
17) “Bare Sagheer Ahl e Hadith Khudam e Quran”: The Shaykh compiled the efforts of Ahl e Hadith scholars from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh regarding the Qur’an. He compiled not only the scholars who wrote Tafsir of the Quran of few Surah, but also those who translated Tafsir, wrote books on the sciences of the Qur’an, the principles of Tafsir, the I’jaz of the Qur’an or virtues of the Qur’an. The Shaykh also provided biographies of all the scholars whose works he mentioned. This book of more than 700 pages was published in 2006 by Maktabah Qudusiyah. Umm-ul-Qura Publications has published a book in English entitled “The efforts of the Ahl e Hadith scholars in Service of the Quran” which summarises this book and adds from other sources.
18) Urdu translation of “Riyadh Salihin”: Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti translated this famous book of Imam Nawawi and added notes in some places. Mushtaq Book Corner published this translation in 2 volumes.
19) Urdu translation of “Abu Bakr Siddiq”: This is the Urdu translation of a book of the Egyptian author Muhammad Husayn Haykal on the biography of Abu Bakr Siddiq (rad). This translation was published by Faysal Nashiran wa Tajiran Kutub in 1998 in 620 pages.
20) Urdu translation of “Lashkar Usamah ki Rawangi”: Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti translated the Arabic book of Shaykh Dr Fadl Ilahi Zaheer about the expedition of Usamah ibn Zayd. This Urdu translation was published by Maktabah Qudusiya in 1999.
21) Third volume of “Lisan Al-Quran”: Shaykh Haneef Nadwi had completed “Lisan Al-Quran” in 2 vol explaining words of the Qur’an in Alphabetical order but the Shaykh could only complete up to letter “Dal”. Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti decided to complete the rest of the book and he wrote a 3rd volume of it comprising the letters “Zal”, “Ra” and “Za” and it was published in 342 pages. Unfortunately Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti could not write more volumes of this book after.
22) “Chahrah Nubuwwat”: A book on the Seerah which he wrote with Shaykh Muhammad Haneef Nadwi. Shaykh Nadwi wrote the 19 first chapters and Shaykh Bhatti wrote 11 chapters. This book of 326 was published by Maktabah Ilm wal Irfan in 1999.
23) “Islam ki Betiyan”: Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti had written articles on great women in Islam in the newspaper “Imroz” in 1965 and his brother Sa’eed Ahmad Bhatti had preserved these articles. Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti compiled these articles in the form of a book in 600 pages and it was published by Maktabah Qudusiya in 2001
24) “Armaghan Hadith”: This book contains 100 Hadith explained by Shaykhg Ishaq Bhatti on etiquettes and dealings. This book of 272 pages was published by Tariq Academy Faisalabad in 2008.
25) “Dabistan e Hadith”: This book contains the biographies of 60 Ahl e Hadith scholars who have taught or written on Hadith. He wrote the biography of Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan, Mian Nazeer Husayn Dehlwi, Shaykh Shamsul Haq Azeemabadi, Shaykh Basheer Sahsawani, Shaykh Ibrahim Aarwi, Shaykh AbdurRahman Mubarakpuri, Shaykh AbdulAziz Raheembadi and also scholars of Hadith more recent and alive. This book of 673 pages was published in 2008 by Maktabah Qudusiya
26) “Haft Iqleem”: This book contains the biographies of 7 scholars: Sayid Abul Ala Mawdudi, Allamah Ihsan Elahi Zahher, Ghazi Mahmood Dahrampal, Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Cheemah, Shaykh Muhammad Yahya Sharakpuri, Hakeem Muhammad Abdullah Roriwale and Shaykh AbdulQadir Raepuri.
27) “Guzargai Guzargan”: An autobiography of the Shaykh in which he mentions his family, his teachers, his time spent in Markazi Jamiat Ahl e Hadith with Shaykh Dawood Ghaznawi and his teacher Shaykh Ata’ullah Haneef Bhujiyani, and other groups and historical events. This book of 466 pages was published in 2011 by Kitab Sarae.
28) “Bare Sagheer Mein Ahl e Hadith ki Awaliyat”: This book mentions the main efforts of Ahl e Hadith in India on Tafsir, Hadith, debates, efforts against Qadianis, efforts for independence, efforts in literature and other fields. This book of 182 pages introduced by Shaykh Salahdin Maqbool Ahmed was published by Dar Abi Tayib of Shaykh Arif Javed Muhammadi and Hafiz Shahid Mahmood under Jamiyah Ihya Turath Kuwait in 2012. A second edition of it has been published recently in 2021 with additions of Shaykh Muhammad Tanzeel Siddiqi. It has also been translated into Arabic by Shaykh Rashid Hasan Mubarakpuri under the supervision of Shaykh Salahdin Maqbool Ahmed and the Arabic translation “Awaliyat Ahlul Hadith fi Shibhil Qaratil Al-Hindiyah” has been published in India by Maktabah Al-Fadl in 2018.
29) “Gulistan Hadith”: This book contains the biographies of 84 scholars who wrote on Hadith or taught it. It starts with Shah Isma’eel Dehwi and Shah Ishaq Dehlwi and then students of Mian Nazeer Husayn Dehlwi such as Hafiz Abdullah Ghazipuri, Shaykh Abul Qasim Sayf Banarsi, Shaykh AbdusSalam Mubarakpuri, Shaykh AbduTawab Multani and then mentioned later and recent scholars. This book of 585 pages was published in 2011 by Maktabah Qudusiya.
30) “Istiqbaliyah wa Sadarti Khutbat”: This is a collection of Khutbah Istiqbaliyah (Introductory speech) and Khutbah Sadarat of 13 Ahl e Hadith conferences, the first being on 27-28 May 1949 with Shaykh Haneef Nadwi as Khutbah Istiqbaliyah and Shaykh Ibrahim Mir Sialkoti as Khutbah Sadarat. This book of 367 pages was published in 2012 by Maktabah Salafiyah.
31) “Tazkirah Molana Ghulam Rasool Qal’awi”: Biography of Shaykh Ghulam Rasool Qal’awi who was a senior student of Mian Nazeer Husayn Dehlwi and who was very famous for his Zuhd and Taqwa and being Mustajab e Du’a (many of his invocations would be answered). This book of 528 pages was published in 2012 by Molana Ghulam Rasool Welfare Society.
32) “Bare Sagheer main Ahl e Hadith ki Sargazisht”: This book of Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti details the history of the Ahl e Hadith Jama’at in India and then in Pakistan, the leaders of Markazi Jamiat Ahl e Hadith Pakistan, their Madaris and other services. This book of 344 pages was published in 2012 by Maktabah Salafiyah.
33) “Ropuri Ullama Ahl e Hadith”: This book authored by Shaykh Bhatti contains the biographies of Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri, his brothers and nephews such as Hafiz Muhammad Ismaeel Ropuri, Hafiz AbdulQadir Ropuri, Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Ropuri, Shaykh AbdurRahman Ropuri, Shaykh Mahmood Ahmad Ropuri, Shaykh AbdulWaheed Ropuri, Shaykh AbdulWaahid Ropuri, Shaykh AbdulGhaffar Ropuri, Shaykh AbdulWahab Ropuri and others. This book of 349 pages was published in 2013 by Muhadith Ropuri Academy Jami Masjid Al-Qads Ahl e Hadith.
34) “Shaykh Ahmad Deen Gakhrawi”: This is a biography written by Shaykh Bhatti of Shaykh Ahmad Deen Gakhrawi, who was a famous debating scholar of Ahl e Hadith. He debated Hindus, Christians, Aariya Samaj, Qadiyanis and also Muslim groups. This book of 247 pages was published in 2011 and then with additions in 2015 by Dar Abi Tayab in 358 pages.
35) “Chamestan Hadith”: This book contains the biographies of 33 ancient Ahl e Hadith scholars who taught or wrote on Hadith and biographies of 50 alive Ahl e Hadith scholars. Among ancient scholars we count scholars such as Hafiz Muhammad Lakhvi, Shaykh Muhiduin AbdurRahman Lakhvi, Shaykh AbdulJabbar Ghaznawi, Shaykh AbdulJabbar Umarpuri, Shaykh AbdulWahid Ghaznawi and others. This book of 805 pages was published in 2015 by Maktabah Qudusiyah.
36) “Molana Muhiudin Lakhvi”: This is a biography of Shaykh Muhiudin Lakhvi, the father of Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi. It mentions the efforts of Shaykh Muhiudin Lakhvi in the field of Dawah and his great Zuhd and Taqwa, as well as the efforts of many scholars of his family such as Hafiz Barakullah Lakhvi, Hafiz Muhammad Lakhvi, Shaykh Muhiudin AbdurRahman Lakhvi, Shaykh AbdulQadir Lakhvi, Shaykh Muhammad Ali Lakhvi, Shaykh Mueenudin Lakhvi and other preeminent scholars. This book of 457 pages was published in 2015 by Maktabah Islamiyah.
37) “Mahfil Danishmandan”: This book of 315 pages containing the biographies of more than 20 personalities which Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti met, was published after the death of Shaykh Bhatti in 2016 by “Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti Research Institute”
38) “Ustad Garami Molana Ataullah Haneef Bhujiyani”: This book of 256 pages contains 2 lengthily articles written by Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti regarding his teacher Shaykh Ata’ullah Haneef Bhujiyani in the special number of Al-Itisam Bi Yad Molana Ataullah Haneef Bhujiyani. These 2 articles “Ustad Garami” and “Markazi Jamiat Ahl e Hadith mein Molana Ataullah Haneef Bhujiyani ka Hisah” have been gathered together and published in the form of this book by “Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti Research Institute” in 2017.
39) “Bustan e Hadith”: The last book authored by Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti. It contains the biographies of more than 120 Ahl e Hadith scholars from ancient such as Shaykh Abdul Haq Banarsi, Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Batalwi, Hafiz AbdulMannan Wazeerabadi, Shaykh Muhammad Junagarhi to 35 alive scholars. This book of 675 pages was published in 2018 by Maktabah Qudusiyah.
40) “Bazm e Khirdmandan”: This book was written by Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti long time ago but was unpublished in his lifetime. It was published after his death in 2019 by “Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti Research Institute” in 312 pages. It contains the biographies of 24 scholars and with Ahl e Hadith scholars, it also includes the biographies of Shaykh Samiul Haq, Professor Yusuf Saleem Chisti, Shaykh AbdusSattar Khan Niyazi and others famous personalities.
His programs on TV and radio
Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti also delivered speeches on the Radio and TV, and in the Radio Program “Zindah Ta Bandah”, he delivered the biographies of 45 Ahl e Hadith scholars, while at the time all other Radio programs were on Deobandi, Brelwis and Shia. He was the first Ahl e Hadith with Shaykh Muhammad Haneef Nadwi to appear on national TV to deliver lectures.
Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti wrote: “In my writings and Radio and TV programs, I have always taken the Maslak into account and I have Al-Hamdulillah never shown any compromise in it at anytime. Al-Hamdulillah this Faqeer (meaning himself) has tried to clarify the truthfulness of his Maslak, whether in speech or writing” (“Guzar Gai Guzran” p 263)
His death
Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti passed away at the age of 91 in Lahore on the 22nd December 2015. Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi led his funeral prayer in Lahore in which many scholars, students of knowledge and heads of groups of different schools of thoughts joined. Afterwards his body was taken to his familial village Mansurpur in Jarranwala and Shaykh Masood Alam led the second funeral prayer before his burial there.
His status among Arab scholars
Many Arab scholars took Ijaza from Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti such as Shaykh Muhammad Ziyad Tuklah, Shaykh Abdullah Ubaid and many others.
Some of his advices about Adaab and Tarbiyah:
Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti wrote: “This is the particularity of Ahnaaf scholars that they sit with respect with their scholars and elders, and they lower their eyes with complete respect silently and listen to them, and their tongue become dry saying: “Your eminence, your eminence”. And even after this, they consider that total respect was not given. Contrary to them, look at the great scholars of the Ahl e Hadith Jamaat, there everyone has reached level of Ijtihad, and every little one stands with his sword against his elder, challenges him with his tongue, and he writes the royal edict: “Come my pen, Bismillah”. We have called this disrespect: “Speaking the truth”, the scholars from whom he benefitted and through whose attention he became able to read and write something, he considers opposing them as its obligation” (“Nuqush Azmat Raftah”)
Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti also wrote: “For me, Ahl e Hadithiyat is the name of this Zawq (taste), this civilization, this culture, this justice (itidal), this well balance (Tawazun), this middle path and moderate attitude, this excellent manner, this tolerance, this refinement, this way of acting and this way of life, that was taught by Sahib Hadith (saw) and upon which he insisted us to be firm. To fight and dispute on every issue and be Ghassan Maki is absolutely not Ahl e Hadithiyat” (“Nuqush Azmat Raftah)
Scholars’ praise of Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti
Shaykh Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi wrote: “The noble Shaykh was given the title of “Muarikh Ahl e Hadith” but according to me he was “Muarikh Islam” as he didn’t make the Tarikh Ahl e Hadith as his object rather encompassed all scholars of the Indian subcontinent, with whom he had some kind of links or some of their historical event was preserved in his memory. The memory of Shaykh Bhatti was more than ordinary, he would up to his old age reaching above 90 not only remember the events of his life but also the events of the lives of others with remembering the dates.”
Shaykh Muhammad Tanzeel Siddiqi wrote: “Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti had visited scholars such as Shaykh Abul Kalam Azad, Shaykh Thanaullah Amritsari, Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri. He had benefitted from Shaykh Syed Dawood Ghaznawi, Shaykh Ata’ullah Haneef Bhujiyani, Shaykh Muhammad Isma’eel Salafi, Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi and others. He sat in sittings with Shaykh Abul Ala Mawdudi, Mufti Muhammad Hasan Amritsari, Shaykh Ahmad Ali Lahori, Shaykh Muhammad Haneef Nadwi and others”
Hafiz Salahdin Yusuf wrote: “His strength of memory was extraordinary, despite being more than 90 years, he would mention the political movements, the activities of the parties for independence, their leaders and how they were arrested and the details of many events and cultural activities with precise dates, as if such matters occurred few days ago.”
Source: “Armaghan Molana Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti” authored by Shaykh Hameedullah Khan Aziz and published by “Dar Abi Tayab” in conjunction with “Idarah Tafhim Al-Islam” and “Molana Muhamamd Ishaq Bhatti Research Centre”.
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