Bio of Hafiz Thanaullah Madni

Hafiz Thanaullah Isa Khan Madni was born in February 1940 in Kals in the area of Qasur. he did his early studies in Sarhali Kalan in area of Qasur where his familial house was, and he memorized the Quran there.
In 1953 a conference was held in his village in which Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri, his nephew Hafiz Muhammad Isma’eel Ropuri amd Hafiz AbdulQadir Ropuri were present with many other scholars. Hafiz Thanaullah Madni was very impressed by the speeches in this conference, and hence he joined Jamiah Ahl e Hadith Masjid Quds Lahore of Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri in 1954.
Hafiz Thanaullah Madni had the opportunity to study even beginners books of Arabic language from Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri such as Mizan As-Sarf, Sarf Mir, Zaradi, Nahow Mir, Hidayatun Nahow, Abwab Sarf, Mirqat and others.
He also learned the translation of the Quran from Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri and many other sciences and was very close to him.
In 1963 while he was studying in Jamiyah Quds Ahl e Hadith, he was accepted with other students in Madeenah university trough the recommendation of Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri and Hafiz AbdulQadir Ropuri and Hafiz AbdulQadir Ropuri dropped him by train to Karachi to take the boat to Saudi Arabia.
Hafiz Thanaullah Madni graduated from Kulliyah Shari’ah of Madeenah University and benefited there from
Shaykh AbdulAziz ibn Baz,
Shaykh Nasirudin Albani,
Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi
Shaykh Muhammad Ameen Shanqiti,
Shaykh Taqiudin Hilali,
Shaykh AbdulQadir Shaybatul Hamd,
Shaykh AbdulMuhsin Al-Abbad,
Shaykh Hammad Ansari,
Shaykh Muhammad Aman Jami
Shaykh AbdulGhaffar Hasan Rehmani
Shaykh Abu Bakr Al-Jazairi
Shaykh Mukhtar Shanqiti
Shaykh Atiyah Saleem.
Shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim Aal Shaykh from whom he would travel to Riyadh to benefit.
After graduating from Madeenah University in 1968, he started to teach in his hometown in the village of Sarhali Kalan in the area of Qasur, and after some time he was honoured to take the chair of his teacher Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri in Jamiyah Quds Ahl e Hadith in Lahore and teach there.
In 1973 he obtained MA Islamiyat from Punjab University and in 1974 MA Arabic from Punjab University, first position for both Magisters.
In 1972 as appointed by Saudi Arabia (who paid his salary alongside other graduate from Madeenah), he became the director of education and Shaykh al-Hadith of Jamiyah Salafiyah Faislabad. Afterwards he became the Shaykh Al-Hadith of Jamiyah Lahore Islamiyah of Hafiz AbdurRahman Madni (nephew of Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri) and taught there until his retirement. In total, he has taught Sahih Al-Bukhari more than 50 years.
He had also established in Lahore his own Madrasah called “Ansar Sunnah” in which he conducted a 3 years Takhassus course for already graduated students from Dars e Nizami.
With his teaching he wrote an Arabic explanation on Jami At-Tirmidhi in 4 volumes entitled “Jaizah Al-Ahwazi” and started an explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari. “Jaizah Al-Ahwazi” was first published in India by Jamiyah Salafiyah Banaris with the help of Jamiyah Ihya Turath Islami Kuwait and its second edition has been published by Maktabah Qudusiyah Lahore, and the thierd edition has recently been published by Dar Aby Tayib.
He also authored an Arabic explanation of “Shamail Tirmidhi” entitled “Al-Wasail fi Sharh Ash-Shamail” published in one large volume by Dar Al-Bashair Islamiyah.
Hafiz Thanaullah Madni’s Fatawa were published since 1970 in the weekly magazine “Tanzeem Ahl e Hadith” founded by his teacher Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri and the monthly magazine “Mohadis” of Shaykh AbdurRahman Madni and other magazines. Since 1990, his Fatawa were also regularly published in the magazine “Al-Itisam” founded by Shaykh Muhammad Ataullah Haneef Bhujiyani.
His student Qari AbduShakoor Madni compiled his Fatawa under the name “Fatawa Thanaiyah Madniyah” of which 4 large volumes have been printed up to now.
He travelled to many countries to teach Hadith and for conferences, he was also member of AMJA (American Muslim Jurist Association) . He traveled many times to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait for Maqra of books of Hadith.
His students are more than thousands and he mentioned 26 (some names were added by Shaykh Badr Al-Otaybi with the Shaykh’s permission):
1) Hafiz Muhammad Shareef, head of Markaz Tarbiyah Islamiyah Faislabad.
2) Qari Muhammad Ibrahim Mir Muhammadi
3) Dr Muhammad Anwar, Riyadh
4) Dr AbdulQadir AbdulKareem
5) Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Zahid, Kuwait
6) Hafiz AbdurRauf AbdulHannan
7) Hafiz AbdusSattar, Riyadh
8) Shaykh Muhammad Muneer Qamar, Khobar
9) Dr Hameedullah AbdulQadir, professor Punjab University
10) Shaykh Farooq Asghar Sarim
11) Shaykh Muhammad Farooq Sa’eedi
12) Shaykh Saeed Mujtaba Sa’eedi
13) Shaykh AbdurRasheed Rashid
14) Shaykh Salih Al-Usaymi, Riyadh
15) Dr Aidh Al-Harthi, Riyadh
16) Shaykh Muhammad Al-Ajmi, Kuwait
17) Shaykh Abdullah Al-Ubaid, Riyadh
18) Shaykh Muhammad Ziyad At-Tuklah, Riyadh
19) Shaykh Faisal Al-Aliy, Kuwait
20) Dr Waleed Munayas, Kuwait
21) Shaykh Badr ibn Ali Al-Otaybi, At-Taif
22) Shaykh Waleed ibn Idris Al-Manese, USA
23) Shaykh Waleed ibn Khalid Al-Basyouni, USA
24) Shaykh Al-Munzir As-Suhaibani, Riyadh
25) Shaykh Anas ibn AbdirRahman ibn Allamah Abdullah ibn Aqeel, Riyadh
26) Shaykh Fahd Al-Qahtani, Qahtan.
Hafiz Thanaullah Isa Khan Madni passed away on Sunday 7-2-21, Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Rajiun
Source: information taken from “Chamestan Hadith” of Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti and a Tarjmah written in Arabic by his student Asif Rayb with notes of Shaykh Badr Al-Otaybi, and other online sources on Multaqa Ahlalhadeeth and others.
To Download the Arabic Tarjamah written by Shaykh Asif Rayb with notes of Shaykh Badr Al-Otaybi:
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