hasanshahid85@hotmail.com -
+92-321-6466422 -
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Gujranwala, Pakistan
Brelwis and Wahdatul Wujud – Revilement of Allah and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) in Barailwi books.
Scans of "Diwan e Muhammadi": http://ia601502.us.archive.org/13/items/Diwan_201508/Diwan.pdf Scans of "Fawaid Fareediyah": http://ia601503.us.archive.org/16/items/Fareediyah/Fareediyah.pdf
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Deobandis and Wahdatul Wujud – A reply to Mumtaz ul Haq
Below is original Fatwa of Dar Ulum deoband saying that Allah is present everywhere and in everything: http://darulifta-deoband.org/showuserview.do?function=answerView&all=ur&id=32642&limit=1&idxpg=0&qry=%3Cc%3EFAB%3C%2Fc%3E%3Cs%3EISB%3C%2Fs%3E%3Cl%3Eur%3C%2Fl%3E عقائد و ایمانیات اسلامی عقائد India Question: 32642 کیا اللہ پاک ہر جگہ موجود ہے؟ کیا اللہ پاک ایک ہی وقت میں ہر جگہ ہے؟ کیا اللہ پاک ہر چیز میں موجود ہے؟ Jun 30,2011 Answer: 32642 […]
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