Bio of Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi

Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi
Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi was born in 1935 in the state of Bekanir in the village of Dhani. Qadhi Sulayman Mansurpuri used to come to their village and he performed the marriage of one of Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi’s family member.
Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi comes from a very religious family. His grand father Mian Jalaludin had 2 brothers: his elder brother was called Jamaludin and younger Inayatullah. Jamaludin had 2 sons and both of them were scholars: Shaykh Abdullah and Shaykh Muhammad. Shaykh Abdullah became a famous scholar in their area and many people had benefited from his lectures and admonitions. Shaykh Abdullah passed away in a young age and Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi was named after him. Shaykh Muhammad lived longer and reached more than 80 years and passed away after the creation of Pakistan in Chak Number 36, Tahseel Jaranwala.
Mian Jalaludin also had 2 sons: the elder was called AbdulAziz, the father of Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi, and the younger AbdurRasheed. AbdurRasheed had completed Dars Nizami and had studied from Hafiz Abdullah Budhimalwi. AbdulAziz was not a scholar but was a very religious person who used to read many books such as books of Hafiz Muhammad Lakhvi.
Inayatullah also had 2 sons: Muhammad Sulayman and Ubaydullah.
His studies
Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi read the Quran with his father AbdulAziz and also he studied with his father the books “Ahwal Akhirat”, “Zeenat Al-Islam” and others of Hafiz Muhammad Lakhvi.
After the creation of Pakistan, his family moved to Chak Number 36, Tahseel Jaranwala, in the area of Faisalabad. The name “Chatvi” is derived from Chak Number 36, as “Chatis” means “36” in Urdu
Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi joined the Madrasah “Khadim Al-Quran wal Hadith” of Mian Muhammad Baqir in Chok Dadu and studied there for 2 years. Shaykh Muhammad Siddiq Karpalwi, who was called Lailpuri afterwards, was teaching there at the time.
Afterwards Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi went to Odhanwala Chak Number 493 and joined the Madrasah Dar Al-Uloom Ta’leem Al-Islam of Sufi Abdullah and studied there 2 years as well. There he studied from Shaykh AbdusSamad Rauf, Peer Muhammad Ya’qub Jehlumi, Shaykh Muhammad Sadiq Khalil and Hafiz Abdullah Budhimalwi. We count among his class fellows there: Shaykh AbdurRasheed Hazarwi and Qadhi Muhammad Aslam Sayf.
Hafiz Abdullah Budhimalwi was the maternal uncle of Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi and he married Hafiz Abdullah Budhimalwi’s daughter later on.
Afterwards, Hafiz Abdullah Budhimalwi went to teach in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah in Okara and Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi went with him and studied there Jami Tirmizi, Sunnan Abi Dawood and other books from Hafiz Muhammad Bhutvi, and he studied “Hujjatullah Al-Balighah”, “Mutanabi”, “Sharh Aqaid Nasafi” and others from Shaykh Muhammad Abduh Falah. He learned there Sahih Bukhari and Tafsir Baydawi from Hafiz Abdullah Budhimalwi.
At this time in 1953, the movement of “Tahreek Khatme Nubuwwah” had started in Pakistan and many scholars were arrested in this movement as the government was refusing to declare Qadiyanis as non-Muslims. Shaykh Mu’eeunudin Lakhvi, the head of Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Okara was arrested and sent to Montgomery Jail. Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi at the age of 18 and as a student in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Okara worked in Okara to raise awareness against Qadianism and participated in this movement.
Afterwards Shaykh Dawood Ghaznawi requested Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi to come to Dar al-Ulum Taqwiyatul Islam and that he will sponsor him. Hence Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi studied some books from Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq in Dar Al-Ulum Taqwiyatul Islam and some books in Jamiyah Ashrafiyah. Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi afterwards excused himself to Shaykh Dawood Ghaznawi that the next year, he wants to teach in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Okara and at the same time study some books from Shaykh Abdul Hannan and Shaykh AbdulQadeer. The next year, Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi studied some books of Mantiq (logic) and the year after, Shaykh Mu’eenudin Lakhvi appointed him as teacher in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Okara.
His teaching
Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi had graduated from Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Okara in 1956 and he started his teaching career in the same Jamiyah. He taught there for 4 years the following books: Sunnan Nasai, Mishkat Al-Masabih, Jami Tirmizi, Tafsir Jami Al-Bayan, Kafiyah, Talkhis Al-Miftah, Al-Fiyah and others. Hafiz Abdullah Budhimalwi was the Shaykh Al-Hadith at this time of Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Okara.
Afterwards in 1960, upon the request of Shaykh Abdullah Verowalivi, Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi went to teach in Dar Al-Quran wal Hadith in Faisalabad. The same year Hafiz Abdullah Budhimalwi had left Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Okara to teach in Jamiyah Salafiyah Faisalabad
Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi taught for 4 years in Dar Al-Quran wal Hadith Faisalabad and afterwards Shaykh Isma’eel Salafi requested him to teach in Jamiyah Salafiyah Faisalabad so he taught in Jamiyah Salafiyah for 1 year between 1965 and 1966, and taught: Muwatta Imam Malik, Mukhtasar Al-Ma’ani, Musalam Ath-Thubut and others.
The next year in 1966, Shaykh Mu’eenudin Lakhvi requested him to teach again in Okara so Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi returned to teach in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Okarah the following books: Sahih Muslim, Sharh Aqaid Nasafi, Muwatta Imam Malik, Sunnan Abi Dawood and others. Shaykh Muhammad Abduh was the Shaykh Al-Hadith there at the time and in 1970 Shaykh Muhammad Abduh went to teach in Dar Al-Ulum Athariyah Faisalabad so Shaykh Mu’eenudin Lakhvi appointed Shaykh Abdulah Amjad Chatvi as head teacher and Shaykh Al-Hadith.
In 1973, Tahreek Khatme Nubuwwat movement started again in Pakistan and Shaykh Mu’eenudin Lakhvi was arrested again, so Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi led this movement in Okara and was later on arrested and Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi carried on teaching students in jail.
In 1980, Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi went to teach in Jamiyah Isha’at Al-Islam in Chak Number 149 IB, near Arifwala, area of Pakpatan. Shaykh Chatvi taught in Jamiyah Isha’at Al-Islam for 10 years and afterwards in the town of Arifwala for a year and half. Afterwards Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi taught for a year in Jamiyah Isha’at Al-Uloom Al-Muhammadiyah in Chicha Watni.
In 1993, Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi started to teach in Dar Ad-Da’wah Salafiyah in Satyana Bangla in the area of Faisalabad and he carried on teaching there up to his death. With teaching in the Jamiyah, Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi would also complete the Tafsir of the Quran in Ramdhan from which many students and laymen benefited.
His famous students
1) Shaykh Irshad Al-Haqq Athari
2) Hafiz Abdul Aziz Alawi
3) Hafiz AbdulKabeer
4) Shaykh Gulzar Ahmad
5) Mufti Abdul Hannan
6) Shaykh Ata’ullah Tariq
7) Shaykh Ahmad Ali Sayf
8) Shaykh Asadullah Bhambarwi
9) Shaykh Muhammad Siddiq
10) Shaykh AbdurRasheed
11) Hafiz Maqsood Ahmad
12) Dr AbdulGhafoor Rashid
His death
Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi passed away on the 15 August 2017 at the age of 82, Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Rajun. His funeral prayer was prayed in Satiyana Bangla and a large crowd of scholars and students of knowledge joined it.
Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi started to teach since 1956 and he taught Sahih Al-Bukhari more than 50 times. He left sons and daughters who are all educated and teachers in schools and colleges and Universities.
Note: Shaykh Zakaullah Saleem from Green Lane Birmingham is also among the students of Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi.
Source: “Dabistan Hadith” of Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti and others
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