Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Shabbir Usmani

Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Shabbir Usmani
Shaykh Abu AbdirRahman Muhammad Shabbir Usmani was born in January 1975 in the district of Faisalabad in Pakistan. At a very early age, he began to learn the Holy Quran and at the age of fourteen he had memorized the whole Quran. He undertook this task at the same time he was attending secondary school. He passed his GCSE in Science subjects and enrolled in Dar Al-Ulum Ta’leem Al-Islam in Mamu Kanjan (near Faisalabad), the famous Madrasah established by Shaykh Sufi Abdullah. There Shaykh Shabbir Usmani studied pure and extensive religious studies for eight years after which he obtained a degree in Islamic Law (Dars Nizami course which is the structure in India Pakistan. In this curriculum, the famous 6 books of Hadith are studied with other books on all main Islamic sciences, Jurisprudence, creed, Usul Fiqh, Usul Hadith, ect)
We count among his teachers:
1) Shaykh Al-Hadith Hafiz Muhammad Binyameen Toor
2) Shaykh Al-Hadith Mufti AbdusSattar Hammad
3) Shaykh Al-Hadith AbdurRasheed Atarwi
4) The historian of Ahl e Hadith scholars, Qadhi Muhammad Aslam Saif Ferozpuri
Shaykh Shabbir Usmani carried on with part time education in Government colleges and universities. He obtained his Masters Degree in Islamic studies from Islamiah University Bahawalpur in 1996.
He came to UK in 1997 to take a position of Imam and simultaneously he pursued his quest for further education. To that end, he completed his doctorate through working on Sahih Al-Bukhari in 1999.
Since then he has translated and written a number of books:
1) Translation of “Antichrist (Maseeh Dajjal) and Descending of Jesus” of Shaykh Nasirudeen Albani, published by Darussalam Birmingham.
2) “Rulings on Witr prayer”: 72 pages book authored by the Shaykh, published by Darussalam Birmingham.
3) “Giyaarvieen, Should we practice it?” (An innovate principle on the 11th night of every islamic Month): Shaykh Shabbir Usmani co-authored this work with Abdool Baree Esoof. It was published by Darussalam Birmingham in 111 pages.
4) “Adultery a major and the gravest of sins!”: A 40 pages book published by Darussalam Birmingham.
5) “Islamic view regarding eat Halaal-not Haram, Alcohol, dealing with in the business of alcohol, intoxicants and drugs, Smoking/Tobacco. Medical and Social views on Alcohol”: A 80 pages book written by Shaykh Shabbir Usmani and edited by Abdul Baree Esoof. It was published by Darussalam Birmingham.
6) “Wiping over socks according to the Hanafi Madhab”: A 32 pages book authored by the Shaykh, published and available on Amazon.
7) Al-Aqidah (Faith) for Children: A 48 pages book authored by the Shaykh, published and available on Amazon.
8-9) The Shaykh also translated footnotes of most of “Sunnan ibn Majah” and “Sunnan Tirmidhi” for Darussalam Riyadh.
Among his unpublished works, we count:
1) His PHD Maqalah on Sahih Al-Bukhari
2) Tabwib of “Silsilah Sahihah” of Shaykh Nasirudin Albani.
3) Complete Translation of “Irwa Al-Ghalil” of Shaikh Nasirudin Albani, with most references and the classification grades of all the Narrations without the analytical discussion.
Shaykh Muhammad Shabbir Usmani is currently Imam in Maidstone Kent and an active scholar in UK. He has conducted many lectures in different Mosques in UK on different topics. We count among these lectures English biographies of Shaykh Al-Islam Thanaullah Amritsari and Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi which are both available on Youtube.
Lecture on Shaykh Al-Islam Thanaullah Amritsari:
Lecture on Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi:
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