Biography of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri

Biography of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri
Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri was born in 1941 in the village of Nurpur (Suburb of Gujranwala). His mother passed away while he was 7 years old and he had 3 brothers, 2 elders and 1 younger. The name of his father was AbdulHaqq. His father inscribed him in the primary school of his village and he learned the translation of the Quran from Shaykh Chiraghudin, the Khateeb of the Jami Masjid Ahl e Hadith of Nurpur.
Shaykh Chiraghudin seeing the great intelligence and memory of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri asked his father whether he wanted his son to join High School and his father replied that he didn’t want such, so Shaykh Chiraghudin requested his father to entrust his son to him so Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri could study Islamic studies. After his father accepted, Shaykh Chiraghudin took Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri to Gujranwala and inscribed him in “Jamiyah Muhammadiyah” of Shaykh Isma’eel Salafi which was situated in Chok 9 in Gujranwala. Shaykh Chiraghudin was a very pro-active scholar and he had convinced many parents to inscribe their children in Madaris so they become scholars, and through him many became great scholars.
When Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri joined Jamiyah Muhammadiyah in 1957, there were only 3 teachers at the time there: Shaykh AbdulHameed Hazarwi, Shaykh Abdullah Gujrati and Shaykh Muhammad Wazeer Ponchi.
Also Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri was named by his parents as “Kushi Muhammad” and Shaykh Isma’eel Salafi had changed his name to “AbdulMannan” according to the name of Shaykh Salafi’s teacher Hafiz AbdulMannan Wazeerabadi.
Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri completed the course in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah which at the time was 6 years long. Hafiz AbdulMannan also memorised the Quran in Gujranwala with Tajweed and also participated in the lessons of Tafsir after Fajr of Shaykh Isma’eel Salafi. He also studied Jami Tirmizi, Sahih Muslim, Muwatta Malik and Sahih Bukhari from Shaykh Isma’eel Salafi as well and obtained Ijaza from him.
Hafiz AbdulMannan went to Jamiah Quds Ahl e Hadith Lahore during annual holidays and completed the Tafsir of the Quran from Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri and obtained Sanad from him in 1963.
Afterwards Shaykh Abdullah Gujrati had established his own Madrasah in Jami Masjid Ahl e Hadith Dal Bazar Gujranwala and called it “Dar Al-Hadith Madinah Al-Ilm”. Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri joined this Madrasah as a student and it was decided that he would teach the first classes and also study Sahih Bukhari from Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi and other books from senior scholars. So Hafiz Abdul Mannan Nurpuri was a student there in senior classes as well as a teacher for first classes.
Afterwards an elder Hajji Ghulam Muhammad Rangwale gave one acre land on GT road for “Dar Al-Hadith Madinah Al-Ilm” and after building few rooms, the Madrasah moved there from Jami Masjid Ahl e Hadith Dal Bazar. Upon the suggestion of Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi, the new building on GT road was named “Jamiyah Shar’iyah” instead of “Dar Al-Hadith Madinah Al-Ilm”.
In 1968, when Shaykh Ismaeel Salafi passed away, Jamiyah Shar’iyah was incorporated into Jamiyah Muhammadiyah and the Madrasah located on GT road was now called “Jamiyah Muhammadiyah”. The old building in Chok 9 of Jamiyah Muhammadiyah was reserved for Quran memorisation and Tajweed and the new building on GT road was for Dars Nizami. Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri taught all his life in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah GT rd.
The teachers of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri:
1) Shaykh Chiraghudin Nurpuri who inspired him a lot
2) Shaykh Ghulam Rasool from whom he learned in primary school
3) Master Nazeer Ahmad, another of his teacher in primary school
4) Master AbdulMannan Raz: He learned books of English language from him in Jami Masjid Ahl e Hadith Dal Bazar
5) Hakeem Nazeer Ahmad Jandiyalwi: He learned the book of medicine “Sharh Asbab” from him in Gujranwala.
6) Hakeem AbdulMajid: Hakeem AbdulMajid was a cousin of Shaykh Ismaeel Salafi. Hafiz AbdulMannan learned calligraphy from him.
7) Shaykh AbdulWaahid: He learned calligraphy from him.
8) Ghulam Muhammad Darzi: He learned to stitch clothes from him in Nurpur during his annual holidays from Jamiyah Muhammadiyah.
9) Khawajah Hafiz Muhammad Qasim: He learned the third part of “Al-Qiraah Ar-Raashidah” from him in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Chok 9.
10) Shaykh AbdulHameed Gujrati: He learned Sharh Jami, Qatbi, Meer Qatbi, Sa’diyah, Rasheediyah and Hidayah Sa’diyah from him in Jami Masjid Ahl e Hadith Dal Bazar.
11) Shaykh Ghulam Rasool Gujrati: He studied the book “Hashiyah AbdulGhafoor” of Ilm Sarf (morphology of Arabic language)
12) Qari Wali Muhammad: He learned the book “Jamal Quran” on Tajweed from him in Jami Masjid Ahl e Hadith Channu.
13) Qari Muhammad Yunus Panipati: he learned proper recitation of letters from him in his Madrasah in Kache Bazar.
14) Shaykh Aziz Ar-Rahman Abotabadi: He learned from him “Sullam Al-Ulum” in Jami Masjid Ahl e Hadith Dal Bazar and “Hidayah Al-Hikmah” and “Maybazi” in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah GT road.
15) Shaykh Abul Hasan Jumu’ah Khan Hazarwi: He learned from his in Jamiah Muhammad GT road the following books: “Tafsir Baydawi”, “Al-Fawz Al-Kabeer”, “Shams Bazighah”, “Sadra”, “Mulla Hasan”, “Hamdullah”, “Muthalam Ath-Thubut”, “Tawdih At-Talwih”, “Tarikh Al-Adab Al-Arabi”, “Muheet Ad-Daairah”, “Tahrir aw Aqladis”, “Sharh Tahzib iz Mulla Jalal”, “Hashiyah Meer Zahid”, “Khayali”, “Sharh Mawaqif”, “Mutawal Tasrih”, “Sharh Chaghmini” and others.
16) Allamah Ihsan Elahi Zaheer: He learned from him in Masjid Ahl e Hadith Dal Bazar 3 books, “Rasheediyah”, “Diwan Hamsah” and “Sharh Aqaid”. It is not known of he completed these books or studied portions from him.
17) Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatvi: He studied “Munazarah” from him in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah GT road.
18) Shaykh AbdurRahman Lakhvi: He studied 2 books from him in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah GT road: “Qadhi Mubarak” and “Khulasah Al-Hisab”
19) Shaykh Muhammad Wazeer Ponchi: He studied form him in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Chok 9 the following books: “Sunnan ibn Majah”, books of Persian language, “Arabi ka Mualim”, “Sarf Meer”, “Mizan As-Sarf”, “Sarf Bahai”, “Nukhbatul Ahadith” and many books of literature.
20) Shaykh AbdulHameed Hazarwi: He studied from him in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Chok 9 the following books: “Gulistan”, “Bustan”, “Fusul Akbari”, “Shafiyah”, “Mirah Al-Arwah”, “Ilm As-Seeghah”, “Hidayah An-Nahow”, “Kafiyah”, “Al-Fiyah ibn Malik”, “Sharh ibn Aqeel”, “Sharh Nukhbah”, “Muqaddimah ibn Salah”, “Majmuah Mantiq”, “Mirqat”, “Sharh Tahzib”, “Qatbi”, “Sunnan Nasai”, “Jami Tirmizi”, “Sunnan Abi Dawood”, “Muwatta Imam Malik”, “Sahih Muslim” and “Sahih Bukhari”, “Nur Al-Idah”, “Quduri”, “Sharh Wiqayah”, “Kanz Daqaiq”, “Hidayah”, “Talkhis Miftah”, “Mukhtasar Ma’aani”, “Al-Qira’ah Ar-Rasheedah (first, second and fourth parts), “Nafahatul Yamin”, “Sab’ah Mu’aliqat”, “Diwan Hamasah”, “Kalilah wa Minh”, “Maqamat Hariri”, “Diwan Mutanabbi”, “Usul Shashi”, “Nur Al-Anwar”, “Husami” and others.
21) Shaykh Abdullah Gujrati: He studied from him in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Chok 9 the following books: “Abwab Sarf”, “Bulugh Al-Maram”, “Mishkat Al-Masabih”, “Tafsir Jami Al-Bayan”. He studied from him in Masjid Ahl e Hadith Dal Bazar “Bidayatul Mujtahid” and “Siraji”.
22) Hafiz Abdullah Budhimalwi: He studied from him in a Dawrah of Tafsir in Jami Masjid Ahl e Hadith Korat Rd Karachi and obtained Sanad of Ijazah.
23) Hafiz Abdullah Ropuri: He completed Dawrah Tafsir from him in Jami Masjid Quds Lahore and obtained Ijaza from him in Tafsir.
24) Shaykh Muhammad Isma’eel Salafi: He studied from him in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah Gujranwala Chok 9 Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jami Tirmidhi and Muwatta Malik and obtained Sanad of Hadith from him. He also attended his Dars on Tafsir of the Quran after Fajr.
25) Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi: He studied from him in Masjid Ahl e Hadith Dal Bazar Gujranwala the book “Tuhfatul Ikhwan” and in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah GT rd he completed Sahih Al-Bukhari and Tafsir of the Quran from him.
His writings:
1) “Irshad Al-Qari ila Naqd Faydh Al-Bari” (Arabic): A 4 volumes Arabic book containing the refutations of Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi and Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri on “Faydh Al-Bari Sharh Sahih Bukhari” of Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri. These 4 volumes refute the first volumes of “Faydh Al-Bari” and Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri wrote 80 pages of the Fifth volume of “Irshad Al-Qari” and he passed away before completing this great book. “Faydh Al-Bari” is a 4 volumes Arabic explanation of Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri on “Sahih Al-Baukhari”. Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi had written critical notes on the whole of “Faydh Al-Bari” and Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri added to these short notes a lengthy refutation and he intended to write 10 to 12 volumes in total but passed away while writing the 5th volume. “Irshad Al-Qari” was published by “Umm-ul-Qura Publications” and Hafiz Shahid Mahmood intends to publish the 80 pages of Hafiz Nurpuri with the rest of the notes of Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi as well insha Allah.
Hafiz Shahih Mahmood who brought this book to publication wrote: “During my studies in Madinah University, I mentioned our teacher (rah) to some friends and informed them that he wrote a refutation on the book “Faydh Al-Bari Sharh Sahih Bukhari” of the famous Hanafi scholars Shaykh Anwar Shah Kashmiri (rah), entitled “Irshad Al-Qari ila Naqd Faydh Al-Bari” and it is unpublished. Some friends were very delighted to hear such and they promised to collect funds for its publication. Afterwards when I returned during annual holidays to Pakistan, these friends had indeed sent 273 000 Rupees to me for the publication of this book and instructed me to give this amount to our noble teacher Hafiz Nurpuri (rah), so he can prepare the publication of this book as he wishes. When I came to meet the noble Hafiz (rah) and informed him of the news, he clearly refused to take the money and said that he will not keep this money with him and that they can publish the book as they wish. Despite our insisting, he persevered on absolutely not taking this amount and did not show any interest in it and we left unsuccessful. If the noble Hafiz had taken this amount and was to spend it as he wished, no one would have asked for accounting, but he was not accepting such in any circumstances, thus we had to prepare for the publication of this book through Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi”
2) “Tafhim Al-Qari” (Urdu): The first volume of “Irshad Al-Qari” was translated into Urdu by Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi who published it under the name “Tafhim Al-Qari”
3) “Zubdah Al-Muqtarah fi Ilm Al-Mustalah” (Arabic): In this Arabic book on “Usul Al-Hadith”, Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri gave the definition of 96 terms of Hadith and he mentioned at the beginning 122 books regarding this science. It was published by “Idarah Tahqiqat As-Salafiyah” Gujranwala for the first time in 2003.
3) “Zubdah At-Tasfir li Wajh At-Tafsir” (Arabic): A 70 pages Arabic book on Usul At-Tafsir, published by “Idarah Tahqiqat As-Salafiyah” Gujranwala for the first time in 2004.
4) “Nukhbatul Usul Talkhis Irshad Al-Fuhul” (Arabic): A 72 pages summary of “Irshad Al-Fuhul ila Ilm Al-Usul” of Allamah Muhammad ibn Ali Shawkani. It was published first in 1997 by Dar ibn Hazm Beirut.
5) Arabic translation of “Khatm e Nubuwwat”: Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri translated from Urdu to Arabic the book “Khatm e Nubuwwat” of Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi refuting Qadiansim on the issue of the seal of prophethood. This Arabic translation was published within the Arabic epistles of Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi compiled by Hafiz Shahid Mahmood with his Tahqiq under the name “Majmu Rasail fil Aqaid wal Usul” in 3 volumes, published by “Umm-ul-Qura publications” with the introduction of Shaykh AbdurRahman Firyawai and Shaykh Asim Qaryuti.
6) Arabic translation of “Ithbat At-Tawheed”: Hafiz Abdul Mannan Nurpuri translated into Arabic the Urdu book “Ithbat At-Tawheed fi Ibtal At-Tathleeth” (Establishment of Tawheed in deconstructing the trinity) of Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi. Hafiz Gondalwi in this book refuted the book “At-Tawheed fi At-Tathleeth” (Tawheed in Trinity) of the priest Abdul Haqq. This Arabic translation was also published within “Majmu Rasail fil Aqaid wal Usul” in 3 volumes, published by “Umm-ul-Qura publications” with the Tahqiq of Hafiz Shahid Mahmood.
7) Arabic translation of “Islam ki Dusri Kitab”: Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri translated into Arabic this book of Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi dealing with creed and Usul Al-Fiqh. The Arabic translation entitled “Al-Kitab Ath-Thanni lil Islam” was also published within “Majmu Rasail fil Aqaid wal Usul” in 3 volumes, published by “Umm-ul-Qura publications” with the Tahqiq of Hafiz Shahid Mahmood.
8) “Ahkam wa Masail” (Urdu): Compilation of Fatawa of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri which people would ask him directly by letter and he would reply to them by letter. He wrote these Fatawa twice, one that he would post to the questioner and the second as a copy for himself and from these preserved Fatawa, his student Muhammad Malik Bhandar organised them in the form of books. 3 large volumes have been compiled yet by Shaykh Bhandar and published by “Al-Karimia” and 1 more volume is being prepared from these Fatawa, so in total there should insha Allah be four volumes of “Ahkam wa Masail”.
9) “Safar Namah Nuristan” (Urdu): Narration of the trip of the Shaykh to Nuristan in 1979. This epistle was published within “Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri, Ilm wa Amal, Dawar wa Fikr” of Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi.
10) “Miraatul Bukhari” (Urdu): This book was compiled from the lessons dictated by Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri before starting teaching “Sahih Al-Bukhari”. This introduction to “Sahih Al-Bukhari” deals with the science of Hadith, Imam Bukhari and his book “Sahih Al-Bukhari”. His student Shaykh Yunus Ateeq wrote these dictated notes in 1981 in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah GT rd and after editing them and doing its Takhrij, he gave this book of 240 pages to Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri. This book was published first by Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi in 1999. In 2017 a new edition was published with the verification and additions of Hafiz Abdul Aziz Alawi by “Taybah Quran Mahal”
11) “Fasl Al-Khitab fi Tafsir Fatihah Al-Kitab” (Urdu): This book was compiled from audiotapes of the Shaykh’s lessons of Tafsir on Surah Al-Fatihah which lasted 3 months in 1998. Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri’s student Qari Gul Wali transcribed 75 audio lessons in the form of a book and his student Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi edited the book, added verses, proofread it and published it under his “Idarah Tahqiqat Salafiyah” Gujranwala in 440 pages in 2004.
12) “Khutbat Nurpuri” (Urdu): This is a compilation of 40 Khutbas given by Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri on the rulings of the funeral prayer. These 40 audiotapes were transcribed by Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi into a book of 320 pages and it was published by “Dar Al-Husna” Gujranwala.
The second volume of “Khutbat Muhammadi” contains Khutbat on 31 different topics and some of these topics were treated in many Khutbat.
13) “Maqalat Nurpuri” (Urdu): Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi transcribed 17 lectures of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri into epistles and published them together in this book of 558 pages in “Idarah Tahqiqat Salafiyah” Gujranwala. The second edition of this book contains the following epistles: “Iman ki Haqiqat”, “Sud ki Hurmat”, “Ita’at Rasool (saw)”, “Ittifaq Ummat”, “Aimah Arba’ah”, “Masail Qurbani”, “Darhi”, “Ta’dad Ra’kat”, “Quran wa Sunnat ki Ta’leem par Ujrat Lena?”, “Da’if Riwayat”, “Qiston ki Bay’”, “Khutbah (Mangani)”, “Nikah mein Wali ki Haythiyat”, “Shadi”, “Azwaji Zindagi”, “Aqiqah”, “Hujjiyat Hadith”.
14) “Hajj wa Umrah”: This pocket size book of 106 pages contains the rulings and description of Hajj and Umrah. It was published by Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi.
15) “Ada e Sunnat Ba’d Az Fardh Qabla iz Tulu Aftab”: This book written by Hafiz Nurpuri was on the topic of praying the 2 Sunnah Rak’ah of Fajr after the Fardh prayer and before the rising of the sun, for those who come late and join the Fardh straight without having prayed these 2 Sunnah Rakat. Unfortunately this book was lost and could thus not be published.
16) “Khuda ki Ma’rifat”: These were the replies of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri to the questions of an atheist from China. Shaykh Ata Ur Rahman ibn Muhammad Azam gave these questions to Hafiz Nurpuri and he replied to them. These answers have been published within “Ahkam wa Masail” v 1 p 48 to 80.
17) “Ijadah Al-Qura li Ithbat Al-Jumuah fil Qura”: This book of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri written on the obligation of Jumuah in villages has also been lost and could thus not be published. Qari Muhammad Ibrahim took the copy written by Hafiz Nurpuri and lost it.
18) “Miraatu Tafasir”: Shaykh Muhammad Azim Hasalpuri, a student of Hafiz Nurpuri, wrote in 2005 the introduction that Hafiz Nurpuri gives every year to students in Jamiah Muhammadiyah GT rd before starting his classes of Tafsir, and hence he compiled this epistle on Usul At-Tafsir in 116 pages and called it “Mirratu Tafasir” in the same manner as “Miraatul Bukhari” was the name given to the book from the Shaykh’s lessons before starting Sahih Al-Bukhari. This book was published by Maktabah Nu’maniyah (Nomani Kutab Khana Lahore).
19) “Mukalimat Nurpuri”: This book of 904 pages published by “Idarah Tahqiqat Salafiyah” compiled by Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi contains 5 written debates and 2 replies of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri and 3 written debates of Hafiz AbdusSalam Bhutvi. The written debates were conducted through writing letters with other debating side. The names of the debates or replies of Hafiz Abdul Mannan Nurpuri are entitled:
a) “Kiya Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani Nabi the”: Written debate with the Qadiani Muhammad A’zam from Gujranwala
b) “Kiya Taqlid Wajib he?”: Written debate with Qadhi Shamsudin Hanafi Deobandi on issue whether Taqlid is Wajib.
c) “Haqiqat Taqlid”: Written debate with Muhammad Salih Garhjakhi on the reality of Taqlid.
d) “Tahqiq Tarawih”: Written debate with Qadhi Ismatullah Deobandi Hanafi on Tarawih.
e) “Ta’dad Tarawih”: A reply to the book “Bis Rakat Tarawih ka Shar’i Thubut” of Shaykh Ghulam Sarwar Gujrati Hanafi
f) “Namaz mein Hath Uthane or Bande ki Kayfiyat”: reply to an epistle on raising hands to the level of shoulders and ears and putting them on the chest
g) “Masalah Raful Yadayn”: Written debate with Qari Jameel Ahmad Hanafi on the issue of raising the hands before and after Ruku’.
20) “Ghancha Namaz”: A pocket size book on Salah
21) “Namaz Mutarjam”: Another pocket size book.
22) “Bay At-Taqsit” (Arabic): A lengthy Arabic article published in the magazine “Nida e Islam” Islamabad. This article was further translated into Urdu on buying in instalments.
23) “Rad e Taqlid”: Refutation of the Fatwa of Mufti AbdurRasheed Hanafi on the issue of Taqlid.
24) Dar Abi Tayab recently published the epistles of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri in 3 volumes with his letters, introductions and articles compiled by Hafiz Shahid Mahmood and Hafiz Abdullah Saleem.
25) Dar Abi Tayab is also preparing to publish the Fatawa of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri in 5 volumes.
With these books, Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri has also done review (Nazar Thanni) of the book “Fardh Namazon ke Ba’d Dua mein Hath Uthane ki Tahqiq” of his student Hakeem Muhammad Safdar Usmani
His famous students:
The number of his students is very large, his student Rana Muhammad Mudathir Khan (Faisalabad) said that he saw a register of 28 pages with the names of the students of Hafiz Abdul Mannan Nurpuri and this list was not all inclusive and it also contained names of students from KSA, Egypt, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Shaam, Bahrayn, Algeria, Libya, Malaysia, Thailand, Azad Kashmir, Uganda, Somalia and others who took Ijazah from him. His student Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi published this list of 1589 students in his book “Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri, Ilm wa Amal, Dawat wa Fikr”
We count among his famous students:
1) Shaykh Habib Ar-Rahman Yazdani (Shaheed insha Allah)
2) Qari Na’eem Al-Haqq Na’eem
3) Allamah Muhammad Madni
4) His son Hafiz AbdurRahman Thani
5) His son Abdullah
6) Dr Fadl Ilahi Zaheer
7) Hafiz Muhammad Shareef (Markaz Tarbiyah Islamiyah Faisalabad)
8) Hafiz AbdulHameed Azhar
9) Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai
10) Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan Salafi
11) Hafiz Muhammad Ameen
12) Hafiz Thanaullah Zahidi
13) Hafiz Khalid Marjalwi
14) Mufti AbdurRahman Abid
15) Hafiz Jameel Ahmad
16) Qari Gul Wali Khan
17) Shaykh Muhammad Tayib
18) Qari AbdusSamad Sayf Baloch
19) Shaykh Muhammad Azeem Hasalpuri
20) Hafiz Muhammad Luqman Nurpuri
21) Shaykh Muhammad Malik Bhandar
22) Shaykh Khawar Rasheed Butt
23) Shaykh Muhammad Basheer At-Tayib
24) Hafiz Farooq Ar-Rahman Yazdani
25) Hafiz Shahid Mahmood (Umm-ul-Qura Publications) who published “Irshadul Qari” of Hafiz Abdul Mannan Nurpuri.
26) Shaykh Muhammad Rafiq Tahir
27) Shaykh Shaykh Muhammad Ismaeel Zabih
28) shaykh Omar Farooq Sa’eedi ibn AbdilAziz Sa’eedi
29) Shaykh Yunus Ateeq
30) Shaykh AbdulHameed (Margate Kent UK)
Among famous Arab scholars who took Ijaza from him:
Shaykh Ali ibn AbdilAziz Shibl (Riyadh)
Shaykh Abdullah Al-Ubaid (Riyadh)
Shaykh Salih Usaymi (Riyadh)
Shaykh Badr Otaybi (Riyadh)
Shaykh Sa’d ibn Abdillah As-Sa’dan (Riyadh)
Shaykh Salih ibn Abdil Aziz As-Sindi (Madinah)
Shaykh Hamid ibn Ahmad ibn Akram Bukhari (Madinah, originally Uzbekistan)
Shaykh Abdullah ibn Ali Az-Zahrani (Madinah)
Shaykh AbdusSalam ibn Husayn Al-Falikawai (Kuwait)
Shaykh Muhammad Ziad Tuklah (Syria)
Shaykh Abul Khayr Umar ibn Muwaffaq, Ma’had Al-Fath al-Islami Damascus, Syria
Shaykh Muhammad Mutaz As-Sabini, Ma’had Al-Furqan Damascus Syria
Scholar’s praise of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri
Professor Aslam Sayf told that once a scholar asked Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi: “Can someone teach Bukhari after you?” and Hafiz Gondalwi replied: “Abdul Mannan”
Shaykh AbdurRahman Dhiya mentioned that Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi was once asked about whom he considered as the most studious and intelligent among his students and he replied: “Abdul Mannan Nurpuri. He read to me my book “Tuhfatul Ikhwan” after studying it alone, while this book is so deep that I had sent it to Molvi AbdurRasheed Numani Hanafi so that he can read it and benefit from it, but he could not understand it and thus he returned the book”
Shaykh Irshad Al-Haqq Athari said: “I have never seen someone with a similar strength of memory as that of our noble teacher Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi. I can see a glimpse of his strength of memory in Shaykh Nurpuri”
Hafiz Salahdin Yusuf said: “He was distinguished from his contemporary scholars with the combination of piety and fearfulness with knowledge and virtue.”
Hafis Shahid Mahmood said that Shaykh AbdulHameed Hazarwi said at the death of Hafiz Nurpuri: “From Karachi to Khaybar, I cannot see any scholar similar to him and he (Hafiz Nurpuri) did not leave any scholar similar to him after him”
All the quotes above have been mentioned in the book “Hafiz Abdul Mannan Nurpuri, Ilm wa Amal, Da’wat wa Fikr” of Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Taybi
Hafiz AbdulHameed Azhar said about his teacher Hafiz Nurpuri: “He (Hafiz Nurpuri) was not from our times. We used to say that Allah (Ta’ala) has created a man from the group of ancient people to give us a glimpse of them.”
His great scholarship
Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri was greatly inspired by Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah and he would say: “There is a lot of Istishhad from the Quran (taking evidences from the Quran) in the books of ibn Taymiyah”. In Usul Al-Fiqh, Hafiz Nurpuri would mention a lot from “Irshad Al-Fuhul” of Imam Shawkani. In Tafsir, he would mention a lot from “Adwa Al-Bayan” of Shaykh Ameen Shanqiti and the Tafsir of Shaykh Jamaludin Qasimi. Hafiz Nurpuri had almost memorised “Fath Al-Bari” and “Tuhfatul Ahwazi”, and “Muhalla” of ibn Hazm and the Fatawa of ibn Taymiyah would be on his eyes.
The Roohaniyat (spirituality) of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri:
Hafiz Shahid Mahmood wrote about his teacher Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri:
“All his actions were a picture of the Prophetic Sunnah. Fear of Allah would appear in the hearts of those seeing him. Asma bint Yazeed said that the Prophet (saw) said: “The best among you are those when you see them, they remind you of Allah” (Sunnan ibn Majah 4119)
And Imam Abu Awanah said: “I saw Muhammad ibn Sireen in the market, and none would see him except he would remember Allah” (“Al-Marifah wa Tarikh” 2/63).
The living, sitting, habits and characters of the noble Hafiz were such as if he was always thinking about the hereafter and resurrection. Imam Hashim ibn Basheer Wasiti said to Mansoor ibn Zazan (130h): “Mansoor was such, that if it was said to him that the angel of death is upon your doorstep, he would not increase his actions” (“Siyar Almam Nubula” 5/443)”
(Speech of Hafiz Shahid Mahmood quoted in “Hafiz Abdul Mannan Nurpuri, Ilm wa Amal, Da’wat wa Fikr” of Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Taybi p 82-83)
Hafiz Shahid Mahmood wrote in a different place: “Once after Shaykh AbdulMannan Nurpuri (rah) completed his Dars of the Quran in Jamiyah Muhammadiyah, someone seeing the name of a scholar on a poster claimed: “This Molvi doesnt know anything”. When the noble heard this, he said: “Does he know “Qul huwa Allah” (Surah Ikhlas) or not?” and the person replied: “He must know this” and then the Shaykh said: “You were saying now he doesn’t know anything, while Qul Huwa Allah is the third of the Quran” and hearing this, the person remained quiet.
It was not possible to do backbiting and mentioning the bad of a person in front of the Shaykh, rather the one doing so would be reprimanded. And this is the reason why the colour of his sittings were different from general sittings (of others) and would be filled with Roohaniyat, may Allah forgive him and have mercy upon him.” End of Hafiz Shahid Mahmood’s speech
Shaikh Javed Iqbal Sialkoti said: “One of Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri’s son in law gave a divorce to his daughter, the son in law was also his student, and he called him to his house and said: “Son, we have 3 links: first the Islamic link the brotherhood of Islam, secondly studentship, and third of being my son in law, you have broken one of these links but the other 2 remain, I will keep these links, whenever you want you can come to visit me”
Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri was known to be Mustajab Ad-Du’a, many of his invocations would be answered. Many among laymen would come and ask him to invoke Allah for them or Ruqiyah, reciting Quran on water. Some even said that they feared laymen would build a mausoleum on his grave seeing the love of people towards Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri. Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri would hate people praising him excessively and would leave a talk if he was praised excessively in it or on the poster of the event.
His family
Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri had 3 sons and 7 daughters. His first son AbdurRahman passed away young. His second son who was born in 1974 was called AbdurRahman Thanni (AbdurRahman the second) and he is nowadays a reputable scholar in the footsteps of his father. The name of his third son is Abdullah and he also is studying Islamic sciences.
His death
Hafiz AbdulMannan Nurpuri passed away on the 26 February 2012. Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi rajiun. Hafiz AbdusSalam Bhutwi led his funeral prayer in front of a large crowd of scholars, students of knowledge and laymen and he was buried after in the cemetery of Hashmi colony. Shaykh Muhammad Tayib Muhammadi wrote: “Whenever I go to the cemetery of Hashmi colony where the grave of the noble Hafiz is, I feel perfume from his grave”
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