Biography of Shaykh Husayn ibn Muhsin Yamani Ansari

Biography of Allamah Husayn ibn Muhsin Al-Yamani Al-Ansari
Shaykh Sayid Abdul Hay Hasani (the father of Shaykh Abul Hasan Nadwi) wrote about Shaykh Husayn ibn Muhsin Al-Yamani:
“He was born in Hadidah on the 14th Jumada Ula 1245. He learned Hadith from Allamah Hasan Ahdal and then he studied Sihhah Sittah from Allamah Sulayman Ahdal. He took afterwards Ijazah from the son of Allamah Muhammad ibn Ali Shawkani (Sahib Naylul Awtar), Shaykh Ahmad (ibn Muhammad ibn Ali Shawkani). He benefited for many years during the periods of Hajj from Shaykh Muhammad ibn Nasir Hazimi. He remained Qadhi for 4 years in a village near Hadidah. The reason for leaving this post was because the Turk Ameer Ahmad Pasha asked him to give a Fatwa for a non determined tax, but he refused, and he was threatened that if he does not give Fatwa, he would be thrown into pieces. He gave the answer of a believer: “Do what you want; you cannot harm me in this world and in the hereafter. The obedience to the ruler is only in good not in evil and I offer you my resignation (from post of judge).” The ruler was very harsh on him for 3 days and kept him in under intense sun with very little water and despite this he refused to give a Fatwa against the Shar’. Afterwards he left the country and went to India. This happened 5 years after 1857.” End of Shaykh Abdul Hai Hasani’s words.
Shaykh Abul Hasan Nadwi wrote: “Shaykh Husayn ibn Muhsin’s existence and his Dars of Hadith was a divine favour…Shaykh Husayn was a student with one link of Allamah Muhammad ibn Ali Shawkani Sahib Naylul Awtar (Tr: he studied from Imam Shawkani’s son Ahmad) and his sanad was considered very high with little intermediaries. Through being the student of many noble scholars of Hadith, a memory above average which was a continuous particularity among Arab, studying Dars of Hadith year after year, lengthy regular practice and due to these Yemeni particularities whose faith and wisdom are attested by authentic Ahadith, it was as such as the science of Hadith was running in his veins and its manuscripts were imprinted in his chest. (According to my teacher Molana Haydar Hasan Tonki, Shaykhul Hadith Nadwah Ullama who was a student of the Shaykh (ie Shaykh Husayn ibn Muhsin), Fathul Bari (which has 13 volumes and a volume separate for the introduction) was almost memorised by the Shaykh (ie by Shaykh Husayn ibn Muhsin)). When he came to India, many noble scholars (among who were many authors and teachers) gathered in big crowds around him and completed their science of Hadith from him and obtained Sanad from him. We count among his students Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan, Molana Muhammad Basheer Sahsawani, Molana Shamsul Haq Azeemabadi, Molana Abdullah Ghazipuri, Molana AbdulAziz Raheemabadi, Molana Salamatullah Jerajpuri, Nawab Waqar Nawaz Jangh, Molvi WaheeduzZaman, Allamah Tayib Makki, Shaykh Ishaq ibn AbdirRahman Najdi and others.” End of Shaykh Abul Hasan Nadwi’s words.
When he arrived to India, Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan asked him to become teacher in his Madrasah in Bhopal, hence he taught there for a long period. Allamah Husayn ibn Muhsin Al-Yamani Ansari passed away on 10th June 1910 in Bhopal.Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan wrote about him: “Shaykh Husayn ibn Muhsin Ansari was our teacher of Hadith. He was a Ghanimah for the students and a great Ni’mah for Rahilin”
Allamah Shamsul Haq Azeemabadi wrote: “I saw Allamah Husayn ibn Muhsin Al-Yamani complete in combining knowledge and actions. The Shaykh was of strong Wujood, great status, a scholar of great stature, an ocean without shore. He was a verifying Muhadith, a Mufassir of the Book of Allah, a scholar of Usul Hadith, ‘Ilal Hadith, Rijaal Hadith, an expert of Ilm Usul Hadith and Lughah. He has different Ta’liqat on Sunnan Abi Dawud and other books of Hadith, and many beneficent epistles on topics on the science of Hadith.” End of Allamah Azeemabadi’s words.
We count among his writings:
a) He wrote a Sharh on Sunnan Abi Dawud
b) A small Hashiyah on Sunnan Nasa’i
c) “Al-Qawl Al-Hasan At-Tayamun fi Nadb Al-Musahafah bil Yad Al-Yumna (Published)
d) Risalah Tahqiq Hadith Salat Al-Asr hata Taghruba Shams (unpublished)
e) Al-Bayan Al-Mukammal fi Ash-Shaaz wal-Mu’allal (published)
f) At-Tuhfah Al-Mardhiyah fi Hal Ba’d Muskhilat Al-Hadithiyah (published)g) Fatawa first vol (published)
Source: scans of biography shared by Shaykh Arif Javed Muhammadi.
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