Biography of Shaykh Israil Nadwi Salafi

Shaykh Muhammad Israil Nadwi Salafi was born in 1924 in his familial village Jhandan in the suburb of Fareedabad. His father’s name was Haaji Muhammad Ibrahim who was a pious person and passed away on 1984.
His studies
Shaykh Muhammad Israil studied Urdu and Hindi primary and middle in Jhandah, Shakrawah and Kott. he learn the last part of the Quran from Hafiz Noor Muhammad from his village. After passing his middle, his parents sent him to Jamiyah Salafiyah Shakrawah. He studied there the Quran from Hajii Meharullah and Shaykh Muhammad Dawood Raaz.
He studied from Shaykh Muhammad Dawood Raaz: Nahow Meer, Mizan Munsha’ab, Sarf Meer, some books of Persian language: Kareeman, Gulzar Dabistan, Pan Namah, Gulistan.
He studied from Shaykhul Hadith Molana AbdulJabbar: Kitab As-Sarf, Kitab An-Nahow, Panj Ganj, Fusul Kubra, Ilm Seeghah, Hidayatu Nahow, Kaafiyah, Sharh Jaami, Qiraah Raashidah, An-Nahow Al-Waadih, Mutanabi, Sab’ah Mu’aliqah, Deewan Ali, Qadoori, Usul Shashi, Sharh Wiqayah, Noor Al-Anwar, Siraji and other books.
Afterwards he joined Dar Al-Uloom Nadwah Lukhnow, there he studied:
From Shaykh Muhammad Raabi’ Nadwi and Shaykh Abdul Majid Nadwi: Mukhtarat part 1 and 2, Mua’lim Al-Insha part 2 and 3.
From Shaykh Zuhoor Ahmad, the Mufti of Dar Al-Uloom Nadwah: Sharh Wiqayah, Hidayah first part and Siraji.
From Shaykh Muhammad Ishaq Nadwi: Usul Fiqh ki Madkhal
From Shaykh Abul ‘Irfan Nadwi: Al-Balaghah Al-Waadihah
From Shaykh AbdulHafeez Baliyawi, the author of “Misbah Al-Lughat”: Mantiq and Riyadh As-Salihin.
From Shaykhul Hadith Molana AbdulJabbar Shakrawi and he took Sanad from him: Bulugh Al-Maram, Mishkat, Sharh Nukhbatul Fikr, Sihhah Sittah, Tafsir Jalalayn, Tafsir Baydhawi.
From Mufti Muhammad Shafee Deobandi: Sahih Al-Bukhari and Jami At-Tirmizi
From Shaykh Mahboob Ilahi Deobandi: he tooks lessons of Sahih Muslim, Sunnan Abi dawood, Sunnan Nasai, Sunnan Ibn Majah.
From Sayid Taqreez Ahmad Sahsawani: Tafsir Jalalayn and Gulistan.
From Shaykh Muhammad Owais Nadwi: He studied the translation of the Quran. He gained passion to read books of Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah amd Imam Ibnul Qayim from his circle.
From Shaykh AbdulHakeem Zewari (student of Mian Nazeer Husayn Dehlwi): Sihhah Sittah and Muwatta, and he took Sanad from him.
He studied English and Hindi up to matric in Dar Al-Uloom Nadwah. He studied from teachers of Jamiyah Salafiyah Shakrawah, Dar Uloom Nadwah Lukhnow, and Dar Uloom Deoband and studied many books twice.
His teaching
Afterwards he became teacher in Jamiyah Salafiyah Shakrawah. At this time Jam’iyat Ahl e Hadith Hariyanah (Mewat) appointed him as their secretary general. After the death of his teacher Shaykh AbdulJabbar Shakrawi on the 23 November 1985, he was also appointed as head of Dar Al-Ifta of Hariyanah. So he was busy in these 4 activities: Da’wah in his area, teaching, adminsitrative matters of Jamiat Ahl e Hadith and issuing Fatawa for the people of his area.
With these 4 activities, he also started to write and among his books written we count:
1) At-Tufah Al-Husna fi Ithbat Suniyatil Al-Musafahah bil Yad Al-Yumna: He mentioned 40 ahadith showing that shaking the hand with the right hand is Sunnah (and not both hands)
2) Noor Al-Huda fi Fardhiatil Al-Jumu’ah ‘ala Ahlil Qura: About obligation to pray Jumu’ah in villages, while Ahnaf put condition of city and don’t allow Jumu’ah in villages.
3) Al-Hidayah Al-Kaamilah: This books proves that 3 divorces in one sitting counts as one
4) Ek Majlis ki Teen Talaq Quran wa Hadith ki Roshni mein: Same topic as previous.
5) Al-Bayinah ila ma fi Najat Al-Niyaz minal Ittihimat: refutation of false allegations against Ahl e hadith by some Ahnaaf.
6) Tahreek Jihad mein Ahl e Hadith or Ullama Deoband ka Kardar: It shows that Ahl e Hadith started to movement of Jihad against the British colonialists.
7) Tarajim Ullama Ahl e Hadith Mewat: Biographies of Ahl e Hadith scholars from the area of Mewat.
8) Fardhiyat Fatihah Khalfal Imam: This book proves the obligation to recite Surah Al-Fatihah behind the Imam.
9) Namaz mein Surah Fatihah: The status of Surah Fatihah in the prayer
10) Namaz mein Surah Fatihah: Book on the same topic written in Hindi.
11) Tuhfatul Qari Ta’liqat ala Juzz Qira’ah Khalf Al-Imam Lil Bukhari: Notes on Imam Bukhari’s Juzz Qira’ah Khalf Al-Imam
12) Zeenatul Qari Ta’liqat ala Juzz Rafil Yadayn lil Bukhari: Notes on Imam Bukhari’s Juzz Raf’il Yadayn.
13) At-Ta’liqat As-Salafiyah ‘ala Jami At-Tirmizi
14) Takhrij Ahadith Zawaid Sahih ibn Hibban.
15) At-Ta’liqat ala Taqreeb At-Tahzib
16) Tazkirah Al-Imam Nazeer Husayn Muhadith Dehlwi: Biography of Mian Nazeer Husayn Dehlwi.
His death
Shaykh Israil Nadwi passed away on the 2nd July 2019.
Source: Gulistan e Hadith, Shaykh Ishaq Bhatti, Maktabah Qudusiya, p 411
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