Ahl e Hadith leaders on elections and cooperation

Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi views on politics and cooperation in it
Hafiz Muhammad Gondalwi, one of greatest scholar of Ahl e Hadith omvement and senior leader of Markazi Jamiat Ahl e hadith Pakistan, wrote in "Tanqeedul Masail" about politics in Pakistan:
"Ahl e Hadith should not try to make their political group separate, likewise Deobandis should leave the thought that politics should be in their possession, and upon this analogy the Brelwis should not think to make to have a separate political structure, likewise Shia and Sunnis should not make different political associations, but with task mentioned before, they should try internal Islah (reform) as well, as Hazrat Musa (as) organised all Bani Israil, good and bad, for work of freedom, and with it he did their internal Islah"
Shaykh ISmaeel Salafi views on elections and cooperation in it
Allamah Muhammad Ismaeel Salafi, who was appointed secretary general and then president of "Jamiyat Ahl e hadith Pakistan" by our major scholars, wrote in “Itisam” 19 october 1953, as quoted in “Nigar Shaat” p 546, entitled
"The determination of the political position of Jamaat Ahl e Hadith":
"1) Kul Maghrabi Pakistan Ahle hadith conference's sitting declares that Jamaat Ahl e Hadith excepts and works for the implementation of a constitution that is based on the Book and the Sunnah, and it cannot cooperate with any party which openly wants to make this country into a non religious state or tries to misuse Islam's name to secretly make a non religious state, and it can cooperate with any party which assists its position.
2) Jamat Ahl e Hadith is trying to get elected in this country such people who would established a correct Islamic society and which will try to stop non religious tendencies
3) Jamaat Ahl e Hadith likes the democratic system for this country and this is why it will not favour such a system which contradicts democratic norms and that is tyrannical or dictatorial way of governance.
4) Jamat Ahl e Hadith does not like such an economical and social system that is based on communist principles or firm on capitalism rather it should be based on pure Islamic principles of justice, equality, in which poor’s rights are protected in most complete manner and rich do not have in any condition capacity to take the rights of poor people.
5) Among the most important aims of the life of Jamat Ahl e Hadith is peace in Pakistan and making efforts for its security, and not to try to do anything that would harm Pakistan’s peace and security.
6) …
7) For this aim, it is necessary to tell all Ma Tahta Jamaat that at the time of preparing the list of voters, that all Baligh members of the Jamaat of the place, men and women, establish their vote with zeal and courage, and they should not be prone to laziness and procrastination.
8) This conference warns all Jamaat that if they do not accomplish this obligation, and if they have shortcomings and Ghaflah (heedlessness) in this obligation (Farz), this country will fail to achieve its true positition and it will face humiliation, difficulties, harms, which none believes to be tolerable"
Dr Muqtada Hasan Azhari's view on cooperation with other groups
Shaykh Dr Muqtada Hasan Azhari , a senior leader of Markazi Jamiat Ahl e hadith Hind and Jamiayh Salafiyah Banaris, wrote:
"Ishtirak and Ta'awun with Muslim groups:
Jamaat Ahl e Hadith believes in the teachings of Kitab wa Sunnah, and among its teachings, one important teaching is Ta'awun alal Birr wa taqwa (helping upon good and piety), it has been clarified in the Nass Qurani (clear Quranic text), and our Tarikh (history) is a practical Tafseer (explanation) of this Ta'awun and Tanasur (saving each other), and nowadays all Batil (false) forces are united against Islam, and this is verified in the condition of our country (India). Maybe our leaders in near past had predicted current events, hence in their writings and speeches, they appealed for this Ta'awun, Shaykhul Islam Thanaullah Amritsari (rah), and Allamah Muhammad Isma'eel Salfi of Gujranwala (rah)'s writings contain calls to this Ta'awun and Ishtirak (cooperation).
Though there is a basis in Islamic teachings of Ishtirak and Ta'awun, so we should be ready for this, but in light of experience, we must pay attention to some matters:
1) The first condition for Ishtirak and Ta'awun is that it should not affect our principle of following the Kitab and Sunnah, and the sphere of Ta'awun is such a topic in which the Ummah has a clear benefit.
2) Ta'awun and Ishtirak does not mean Tab'iyat (one follows the other), and it is seen that one Jamaat because of its number and resources tries to make the other as its subaltern.
3) Ta'awun with others will only be in common matters, which we cannot solve alone, but of there is a topic that we can resolve on our own, and it is part of our active programs, then we should move forward and try to solve them alone, and make an example for the others to follow. In India the movement (Tahreek) of the two Shaheed (insha Allah) was established, the majority of Muslims did not join it, but with its force of Eman and sincere intention, it replenished on all others….(The Shaykh mentioned other points after)
Source: "Hindustan mein Tahreek Ahl e Hadith or Jadeed Taqadhe Tarikh wa Ta'aruf"
View of Shaykh Ridhaullah Mubarakpuri on mutual cooperation
Shaykh Ridhaullah Mubarakpuri, one of the leaders of J wrote as in “Mazameen Mubarakpuri” p 133-134:
“History is witness that Jama’at Ahl e Hadith took part in every action whose aim was to bring agreement and unity in the ranks of the Muslim Ummah, and was very active and played an effective role in all religious and political movement which was raised for the general benefit of the Muslim Ummah, rather at a crucial point a humble request was made to a Deobandi elder to take the position of leadership and for this reason many delegations went to see him, one group led by Shaykh Fazl Ilahi Wazeerabadi who was among the responsible member in India of the noble movement of Shaykh Sayid Ahmad Shaheed Barelwi and was at a post of leader in the emirate of Yaghistan in the Jami’iyah Aaliyah Mujahideen, but until the end the Deobandi elder did not accept this request and upon the advise of his close people performed Hijrah to Hijaz. (For details read “Ullama Deoband la Madhi Tarikh ke Aine mein” of Shaykh Hakeem Mahmood)…
Likewise it (Jama’at Ahl e Hadith) supported the Ummah in all Milli movements established after, whether it was the movement of Jam’iyah Al-Ullama or the movement of Nadwah Al-Ullama, whether it was the issue of the Muslim Personal Law Board or Deeni Ta’limi Council, whether it was the issue of Milli Council or any other Milli movement. They took part equally in them, rather played key roles and exerted a wonderful role in starting and improving some (of these movements)…”
Shaykh Ridhaullah wrote in footnote about Nadwah: “Nadwah Ullama Dar Al-Uloom’s foundation was on the hand of Shaykh Muhammad Hafeezullah Nadwi (who was a student of Sayid Nazeer Husayn Dehlawi). He was since its creation up to 1905 the Mudaris Awal and Principal, and after he went to Dhakah”
Shaykh Mukhtar Ahmad Nadwi's view on Politics in India:
Shaykh Mukhtar Ahmed Nadwi (rah), former head of Markazi Jamiat Ahl e Hadith Hind, alarming message for Muslims of India to unite politically after the destruction of Babri Masjid:
"When the cities of India heard the news that the historical respected symbol Babri Masjid which was since 4 centuries a sign of India's culture and suddenly it was made Saheed by extremists and now BJP made RSS leader Shok Sanghal to stand to turn it into a Ram temple . Without any doubt it is an very sensitive and historical turn and if Muslims remain deaf and mute and keep their tongue silent, then it would amount to political suicide and Milli death of Muslims of India, and maybe after all signs of Islamic history will be exterminated one after the other…In reality we are standing at time of life and death for Muslims of India…
And it is regrettable that Muslims do not have a Muttahidah PLATFORM and neither do they have a Muttafiqah LEADER, hence we will remind the Muslims of India to wake up for their dream of Ghaflah and first of all they should take care of the security of their religion and faith, and like they pray in the Masjid behind one Imam, in the fields of politics as well they should accept the leadership of ONE leader and by uniting they can face this storm of disrespect and use their political rights and establish a clean political atmosphere. UNTIL MUSLIMS DO NOT UNITE, they have no Qeemat"
(Al-Balagh July 1998 as quoted in "Molana Mukhtar Ahmed Nadwi, Hayat wa Khidmat, p 698)
Note: This is the view of the great majority of our scholars, one can check their biographies and see they were members of many bodies in India and Pakistan with other groups.
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